09-04-2022 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「 當腓利門遇到路得 When Philemon Met Ruth 」
腓利門書 Philemon 1-25
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 本主日慶祝中秋節中餐加菜並贈送月餅,歡迎兄姊留步一起用餐。We are celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival today with food and mooncakes; brothers and sisters are welcome to stay and dine together!
- 下午三點召開長執會和小會,請長執參加。Board meeting at 3pm today; elders and deacons, please attend.
- 禮拜六下午5點在教會舉行中秋節烤肉聯歡晚會,有烤肉、戶外電影和賞月等活動,歡迎全家大小一起來,要參加者請到招待桌登記以利統計人數,今日截止報名。The Mid-Autumn Festival BBQ is this Saturday at 5pm at church, with food, outdoor movie, and moon gazing. All families are welcome to come! Please register at the reception table – registration ends today.
- 9月18日TPC主日,謝信光牧師與本會牧師交換講台,許牧師前往第一教會講道。On 9/18 (TPC Sunday), Pastor Hsieh and our pastor are exchanging podiums, and our pastor will be preaching at First TPC.
- 9月24-25日TPC聯合靈修會,邀請謝大立牧師主講,主題「憶馬偕、隨基督、更我新」,地點24日在柑縣長老教會,25日在第一長老教會,兄姊可現場和線上參加,報名請在招待桌上登記,有任何問題請洽蕭錫恩長老。TPC has invited Rev. Hsieh to lecture on the theme “Renewal to Follow Jesus Through Mackay” from 9/24-25, at Formosan Presbyterian Church OC on the 24th and First Presbyterian Church on the 25th. Brothers and sisters can participate in-person or online; please see Elder Eric to register or if there are questions.
- 10月1日禮拜六下午兩點在教會舉行黃春男兄弟告別禮拜,請兄姊參加。There will be a farewell service for Brother Huang at church on 10/1 (Saturday) at 2pm; brothers and sisters are invited to attend.
- 10月2日世界共同聖餐主日,將在Craig Regional Park (3300 State College Blvd, Fullerton, CA 92835) 舉辦野外禮拜,歡迎邀請親友一同參加。On World Communion Sunday (10/2), we are having a field service at Craig Regional Park (3300 State College Blvd, Fullerton, CA 92835); relatives and friends are welcome to attend!
- TPC 主辦「馬偕150」行腳巡禮台灣行程,從11月7-13日安排追隨馬偕博士的宣教行腳並參訪馬偕博士建立的教會、學校和醫療機構,全程有專業導覽和文史工作者隨團介紹,有興趣報名者詳情請洽蕭錫恩長老,報名截止日期 9/30。TPC is sponsoring a Mackay 150th anniversary tour in Taiwan. From 11/7-13, participants will follow Dr. Mackay’s missionary trip through churches, schools, and medical institutions founded by him and learn about his literature and history. If interested, please contact Elder Eric for details – registration closes on 9/30.
關懷 & 代禱 Caring & Intercession
1. 為今年下半年度的事工和活動代禱。Pray for the ministry and activities in the second half of the year.
- 9/4 (Sun) 中秋節加菜+月餅 Mid-Autumn Festival
- 9/10 (Sat) 中秋節烤肉慶祝晚會 Mid-Autumn Festival BBQ
- 9/24-25 (Sat-Sun) TPC聯合靈修會 TPC Retreat
- 10/2 (Sun) 世界共同聖餐主日 (野外禮拜) World Communion Sunday (field service)
- 10/16 (Sun) 秋季會員大會 (禮拜後) Autumn Congregational Meeting (after service)
- 12/24 (Sat) 聖誕音樂會 Winter Concert
2. 為明年長執提名委員會的過程代禱。Pray for next year’s process from the nominating committee.
3. 為Rick的爸爸古秀偉弟兄罹患口腔癌, 後續的醫療和恢復。Pray for Rick’s father, Brother Gu, for the follow-up medical treatment and recovery from oral cancer.