12-05-2021 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「 留下記號 Leaving a Mark 」
約書亞記 Joshua 4:19-24
黃德利牧師 Rev. David Huang
消息報告 Announcements
- 本主日慶祝教會40週年感恩禮拜,感謝上帝帶領好牧者教會經過40個恩典和蒙福的年日,歡迎所有兄姊參加和本會一同慶祝,會後請留步共享中餐。This Sunday we celebrate our church’s 40th Anniversary. We thank God for leading Good Shepherd through all these years full of grace and blessing. All are welcomed to join us in celebration and stay for lunch.
- 本主日是待降節第二個主日,請用期待的心等待主耶穌基督的降生 (以賽亞書 40:1-5)。Today is also the second Sunday of Advent. Let us let forward for the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ with anticipation (Isaiah 40:1-5).
- 12月11日禮拜六在教會舉行長執同工訓練會,歡迎新舊任同工參加,晚上有同工聚餐。There will be a training meeting on December 11th (Sat) at church. Both new and old coworkers are welcome to attend, and dinner will be provided in the evening.
- 12月19日主日是聖誕節讚美禮拜,也將舉行今年最後一次聖典禮,有意願洗禮、堅信禮和轉籍的兄姊,請向牧師報名。Christmas Sunday will be on December 19th and the last sacrament Sunday of the year. Brothers and sisters who are willing to be baptized, confirm their faith, or transfer their church membership, please register with the pastor.
- 明年第一個禮拜天1月2日將舉行新同工就任,也請為所有新受選長執和同工代禱。On January 2, the first Sunday of next year, new coworkers will be inaugurated. Please pray for all the coworkers.
關懷 & 代禱 Caring & Intercession
- 為新朋友的家庭能更多認識教會和弟兄姊妹,享受在主裡的愛。Pray for our new friends to know more about church and our brothers and sisters, and to experience God’s love.
- 本會短宣隊預計錄製五集的網上福音課程,免費提供給台灣偏鄉弱小教會支援當地兒童事工,目前開始錄製第四集,請為事工進行及錄製過程來代禱。Our church’s STM team is recording five sections for the online Bible curriculum, which will be freely distributed in Taiwan to support local children’s ministries; the fourth episode is currently being recorded, and please pray for the ministry and the recording process.
- 為身體欠安的兄姊禱告,「因祂受的刑罰我們得平安,因祂受的鞭傷我們得醫治。」Pray for our brothers and sisters in poor health, for “upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with His wounds we are healed.”