12-20-2020 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「Amazing Gift」
黃德利牧師 Rev. David Huang
約翰福音 John 3:16
消息報告 Announcements
- 感謝長老及執事的辛勞,專程將年曆和聖誕禮物送到會友家,願上帝紀念他們的辛勞,並賜福好牧者大家庭。Thanks to all the elders and deacons for their hard work in sending the calendars and Christmas gifts to our church member’s homes of the members. May God remember their hard work and bless this family of good shepherds.
- 本會訂 12/23 (週三) 晚上8:00pm舉行聖誕晚會,晚上7:30開放登入網址,節目包括敬拜讚美、Three Person Band、EM “說” 聖誕故事,聖誕信息、聖誕組曲表演,晚會後有餘興節目,備有小禮物,歡迎闔家一起參加。GSTPC has scheduled to hold a Christmas celebration at 8:00pm on 12/23 (Wednesday), and Zoom will open at 7:30pm. The program includes worship and praise, Three Person Band, EM narrating the Christmas story, message, and choir. After the program, there will be games everyone is welcomed to join.
- TPC訂12/31 (週四) 晚上八點舉行「歲末禱告會」,除舊佈新,以禱告迎接新的一年,12/30週三禱告會暫停一次。TPC has a year-end joint prayer meeting at 8pm on 12/31 (Thursday). We will welcome the new year with prayers. That week’s Wednesday prayer night will not be held.
- 小會決定從明年一月起,開始好牧者教會自己的主日禮拜,禮拜時間是主日早上10:00am 開始,請為影音直播小組及禮拜組的負責同工代禱。The board has decided to start Sunday service at Good Shepherd Church from January next year. The service time will start at 10:00am on Sunday morning. Please pray for the staff in charge of the live audiovisual group and the worship group.
- 疫情對美國社會及家庭造成很大衝擊,許多人陷入憂鬱及苦悶,疫情期間正是我們表現愛心及關懷的好機會,求神施恩保守遇到困難的家庭和個人,打開福音的大門,帶領更多的人回到教會。The epidemic has caused a great impact on American society and families, and many have fallen into depression. This is a good opportunity for us to show love and care. Pray for God’s grace to protect families and individuals in difficulties, and to open the door to the gospel in leading more back to the church.
- 同心為新選出的總統及副總統禱告,求神賜能力、智慧給新的執政掌權者,存行公義、好憐憫、存謙卑的心,與主同行的心,帶領百姓走在正道。Pray for the newly elected president and vice president; ask God to give the new authorities power and wisdom to be righteous, compassionate, humble, and to walk with the Lord when leading the people on the right path.
- 最近疫情再度爆發,請兄姊出門時注意安全距離,戴口罩、勤消毒洗手,同時為疫苗的開發代禱,求神醫治患者並保守平安。 The epidemic has been on the rise again recently. Please pay attention and keep safe distance when you go out, wear masks, disinfect and wash your hands frequently, and pray for the development of vaccines, asking God to heal those affected and to keep them safe.
教會行事曆 Church Calendar
- 12/23 (WED) 08:00pm Christmas Celebration 聖誕晚會
- 12/27 (SUN) 10:00am TPC Worship Service 聯合主日禮拜 (Rev. Huang 黃德利牧師)Pastor Chung 鍾毅勳牧師