06-30-2024 Sunday Bulletin

甘心的疼 Willing to Suffer
(撒母耳記下 2 Sam. 1:17-27)
李仁豪牧師 Pastor Lee
消息報告 Announcements
- 感謝台灣三峽基督長老教會李仁豪牧師來請安和報告教會擴建的事工。We thank Pastor Lee from the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan for coming and sharing about their mission updates.
- 禮拜後成人主日學有三個課程: 信仰要理問答 (台英兩組) 和主日信息回應分享, 歡迎兄姊加入同成長受造就。We have three Christian Education classes after service: Catechism (Taiwanese and English) and Sunday message sharing. All are encouraged to participate and grow together.
- 下主日禮拜後下午1點召開定期長執會,請現任長執留步參加。Board meeting next Sunday (7/7) at 1pm; elders and deacons, please attend.
- 7月12-14日許牧師受邀到加拿大多倫多台恩基督教會主持培靈會,請代禱。Pastor Hsu will be hosting a service in Toronto, Canada from July 12-14. Please pray for him.
- 7月14日主日教會所持續支持的巴西宣教士Frank Lin 將在本會講道,請繼續為他們全家在巴西的服事代禱。Brother Frank Lin, the missionary our church has been supporting, will be sharing next Sunday. Please continue to pray for their family’s ministry in Brazil.
- 7月27日禮拜六上午十點姊妹團契和G-Coffee聯合活動,請兄姊踴躍參加。Sisters’ Fellowship and G-Coffee will have a joint event July 27th (Saturday) at 10am. Brothers and sisters are invited to participate.
- 今年暑期兒童夏令營 One Way將於 8/7-8/9 (週三-週五) 舉辦,鼓勵兄姐主動積極邀請親友及社區中的孩子,藉著夏令營一同領受福音的祝福。早鳥報名費 6/30 前 $35,之後 $50,報名截止日7/15。請大家告訴大家。也請代禱, 求上帝預備要來參加的學生。Our children’s summer camp this year will be held from 8/7-8/9 (Wednesday-Friday) with the theme “One Way.” All are encouraged to invite relatives, friends, and children in the community to join and hear about the gospel. Early bird registration fee is $35 before 6/30, $50 after that, and final deadline is 7/15. Please pray for the students who will attend.
代禱 Intercession
- 為8月31日到9月2日Labor Day週末為期三天的教會家庭靈修會,願一切計畫和進行得上帝保守順利。Pray for the three-day family church retreat on Labor Day weekend from August 31- September 2.
- 為11月美國總統大選代禱,求上帝帶領掌權為美國選出一位合神心意的領袖。Pray for the U.S. presidential election in November, and ask God to lead our nation to elect a leader who follows Him.
- 求神憐憫及醫治古秀偉、王淑玲、鄧淑貞長老、藍老師,保守身體平安。Ask God for His healing and protection on Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Elder Teng, and Teacher Lan.