04-28-2024 Sunday Bulletin

改變人生的一句話: 來跟從我
A Life-Changing Sentence: Follow Me
(馬太福音 Matthew 4:17-22)
紀元訓牧師 Rev. James Chi
消息報告 Announcements
- 感謝紀元訓牧師主日信息,願上帝祝福紀牧師在芝加哥長老教會的服事。Rev. James Chi will be preaching next Sunday, please keep him in your prayers.
- 禮拜後成人主日學有三個課程:信仰要理問答 (台英兩組) 和主日信息回應分享,歡迎兄姊加入同成長受造就。We have three Christian Education classes after service: Catechism (Taiwanese and English) and Sunday message response sharing. All are encouraged to participate and grow together.
- 英文事工在四月當中發起捐贈救世軍的活動,今日是最後一天,英文事工會收集所有捐贈物資帶到救世軍,謝謝大家踴躍參與。English Ministry is hosting a Salvation Army drive this month, and today is the last day for collection. Thank you for participating!
- 5月5日主日下午一點召開長執會,請長執留步參加。Board meeting on May 5th; elders and deacons, please attend.
- 5月12日慶祝母親節,禮拜中將邀請所有弟兄來獻詩,Sam將在4/28 & 5/5兩個週日帶弟兄在12:30pm左右練習,請在主日禮拜後留步練習。We will celebrate Mother’s Day on May 12th! All brothers are invited to sing hymns during the service, and Sam will lead the practice on 4/28 and 5/5 (Sundays) at 12:30pm. Please stay and practice after the Sunday service.
- 5月12日母親節主日將舉行洗禮和聖餐, 若有意願接受小兒洗禮、成人洗禮、堅信禮或是轉籍者,請向牧師報名。On Mother’s Day (5/12), we will be observing baptism and communion. If you would like to receive child baptism, adult baptism, confirmation, or transfer of church membership, please register with the pastor.
- 教會將擺攤參加Monterey Park 5/18「台灣傳統週園遊會」的福音外展事工,藉由說故事、手工、唱遊接觸社區的家庭與孩童,求主開拓福音外展的機會,帶領更多人認識主, 請參與幫忙並代禱。The church will have a stall at the Taiwanese American Heritage Week Festival in Monterey Park on 5/18. We will be sharing the gospel through stories, crafts, and singing, reaching out to families and children in the community. Please pray that God will expand the gospel outreach and lead more people to know Him.
代禱 Intercession
- 陳玉慧姊妹於4/26清晨安息主懷,求神親自安慰遺族。Sister Chen went to be with the Lord in the early morning of April 26. Please pray for the bereaved family.
- 為5/18 教會擺攤參加「台灣傳統週園遊會」代禱,求神開啟福音的門,更多接觸及認識台裔第二代年輕夫婦家庭。Please pray for the Taiwanese American Heritage Week Festival stall on 5/18, that the gospel will be spread to all the families in the community.
- 為6/16父親節在本會舉辦「兒童事工Open House和園遊會」代禱,請邀請新朋友一起參加。 Please pray for Children’s Ministry’s Open House on 6/16.
- 求神憐憫及醫治古秀偉、王淑玲、鄧淑貞長老、胡紹禎、藍老師,保守身體平安。Ask God to heal Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Elder Teng, Brother Hu, and Teacher Lan back to bodily health.