12-29-19 Sunday Bulletin
今日信息 / Sunday Sermon
「愛我給你做什麼?What Do You Want Me to Do for You?」
黃德利 牧師
馬可福音 Mark 10:46-52
§ 消息報告 / Announcements §
- 感謝黃德利牧師證道勉勵,求主賜福。
- 上主日前往藍敏惠老師、鄧淑貞長老、林茂生&侯政子、Steve & Jane、 王灼熒&陳如芊的住所報佳音,懇求主施恩、看顧、賜福每一個家 庭,感謝聖歌隊員和參與服事的兄姊。
- 1月5日新任長執同工就任,新任同工如下: 長老三位: 邱瑜嫩,莊富盛,蕭錫恩 執事四位: 廖頌慈,王子銘,李郁文,蔡威傑 聖歌隊長: 王灼熒 敬拜讚美: 邱乙如 主日學校長: 教育部 夫婦團契: 詹明玉 QT 小組:林幼麗 週二查經小組:胡純美 學青團契:李郁文
- 1月5日中餐後一點半召開長執會,請長執留步參加。 書記:邱瑜嫩 傳道:蕭錫恩 教育:王信心 崇拜:黃義弘 關懷:許文凱 財務:廖蓓理 財產管理:莊富盛
- 1月5日中餐後一點半召開長執會,請長執留步參加。
- 教會月曆已經到,請在招待桌領取,每個家庭一份。
- 全年獻花登記表在招待桌上,請登記。
1. Many thanks to Rev. Huang for his message today, may God continue to bless him and his service.
2. Last Sunday, the carolers visited and blessed the homes of Mrs. Carol Lin, Elder Shuzhen Tang, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lin, Steve & Jane, and the Wangs.
3. On January 5th, the new co-workers will be officiated into their positions. Please pray for these new co-workers and their service in 2020: Elders (3): Naomi Chiu, Joseph Chuang, and Eric Hsiao Deacons (4): Esther Liao, Jeremy Wang, Christina Lee, Wei-Jei Tsai Choir Captain: Peter Wang Praise and Worship: Lulu Chiu Sunday School Principal: Head of Education Ministry Young Couples Fellowship: Joyce Chan QT Group: Judy Lin Tuesday Bible Study Group: Mrs. Corina Ho Youth Fellowship: Christina Lee
4. 2020 Elder Leaders: Clerk: Naomi Chiu Outreach: Eric Hsiao Christian Education: Julia Wang Worship: John Huang Caring: Wen-Kai Hsu Finance: Henry Liao Facility: Joseph Chuang
5. There will be an elders and deacons meeting on January 5th at 1:30pm.
6. The church calendar is now available at the reception table, one per family.
7. Please register for flower dedication at the reception table. -
< 教會行事曆 Church Calendar >
• 12/26-28 (週四到週六) EM Winter Retreat
• 1/5/2020 (主日) 新任長執同工就任 Installation for New Elders, Deacons, and Coworkers
• 1/11/2020 (週六) 敬拜讚美培訓 Praise & Worship Workshop
• 1/18/2020 (週六) 葡萄樹團契 Young Couples’ Fellowship
• 1/18/2020 (週六) 姊妹團契 Sisters’ Fellowship<肢體關懷與代禱事項 CARE & PRAYER>
● 請為身體欠安、慕道的兄姐關心代禱及鼓勵。
Please pray for those who are sick, or in need, to receive God’s comfort and strength.金句 / Key Verse
“For we walk by faith, not by sight.”
(哥林多後書 2 Corinthians 5:7)