01-17-2021 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
“Speak, For Your Servant is Listening!”
撒母耳記上 1 Samuel 3:1-10
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 小會訂於2/14召開春季和會,請長執同工和各團契會長,提出 2020 年事工報告,1/30前交給書記邱瑜嫩長老。There will be a spring congregational meeting on 2/14. Department heads and fellowship leaders are requested to submit their 2020 ministry reports and hand it in to Elder Naomi by 1/30.
- 主日上午10:00am舉行主日禮拜,請在會前15分鐘登入,預備心等候神;另外,為了與其他TPC教會連結,以及減輕服事同工的負擔,小會決定每個月一次參加TPC聯合主日,每次聚會前將寄出通知及網站連結。Our own Sunday services will be held at 10:00am; please get on 15 minutes before the online service and prepare your hearts. In order to connect with other TPC churches and reduce the burden of the staff serving each week, the session have decided that GSTPC will join in TPC’s joint worship once a month. Notice and website link will be sent before each service.
- 週三(1/20)晚上8:00PM 禱告會,歡迎兄姊參加。There will be prayer meeting this Wednesday (1/20) night at 8pm; we welcome all brothers and sisters to attend.
- 週五 (1/22) 晚上8:00PM QT小組查經聚會,歡迎兄姊參加。There will be QT Bible study meeting this Friday (1/22) night at 8pm; we welcome all brothers and sisters to attend.
- 教育部將推動「讀經計畫」。The Department Head of Education will promote the “Bible Reading Project” (Elder Julia will provide details).