01-21-2024 Sunday Bulletin
時刻信靠 Trust Always
(詩篇 Psalm 62:5-12)
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 教會有英文崇拜在chapel聚集,歡迎參加。We have an English worship service in the chapel, and all are welcome to attend.
- 宗教教育主日學第一季將從今天禮拜後開始,有三個課程:信仰要理問答(分台英兩組)和主日信息回應分享(小組)討論的方式進行,歡迎兄姊加入不同的小組上課同成長受造就。Christian Education will start after service today with three classes: Study Catechism (Taiwanese and English) and a Sunday message sharing group discussion. Brothers and sisters are welcome to join one of the groups for growth and development.
- 教會有一些舊版的聖詩和聖經放在招待桌上,請有需要的兄姊可自行拿取。The church has some old hymnals and Bibles on the reception table. Brothers and sisters who need them are free to take some.
- 第一季事奉表在招待桌上,請兄姊踴躍參與主日招待事工。The first quarter service schedule is on the reception table. Brothers and sisters, please actively participate in Sunday ministry.
- 2月3日禮拜六早上十點教會春季大掃除,請兄姊一起來打掃。The church will have spring cleaning on February 3rd (Saturday) at 10am. Brothers and sisters are invited to help clean up the church together.
- 教會查經班自2月7日起,每週三早上10:00am在網路聚會,本季將查考「啟示錄」,歡迎兄姊參加。The church’s Bible study will meet online every Wednesday morning at 10am starting from February 7th, studying the Book of Revelation. Brothers and sisters are welcome to participate.
- 2月10日和17日兩個週六下午1點到5點在教會將舉辦敬拜讚美訓練課程,邀請邱英薰老師主講,歡迎目前隊員和有意學習敬拜讚美的兄弟姊妹一起參加, 請向Tina和Lulu報名。The P&W workshops will be held at church on February 10th and 17th, taught by Joy Chiu. Current team members and those who are interested are welcome to participate. Please sign up with Tina or Lulu.
- 2月18日將召開春季會員大會,會中將報告2023年各部會簡報並審查通過2024年預算,請各部會將2023年報告於2月11日交給書記。The spring congregational meeting will be held on February 18th, where 2023 departments will present their reports and the 2024 budget will be reviewed and approved. All departments, please submit your 2023 reports to the secretary before February 11th.
- 全國台灣人長老教會聯合會(NTPC),2024年是NTPC第50屆年會,將於4月26日- 5月4日於南加州牧谷長老教會召開年會,詳細內容請看公佈欄。The annual conference of National Taiwanese Presbyterian Church (NTPC) will be held from April 26th to May 4th at Shepherd of the Valley. Please see the bulletin board for details.
代禱 Intercession
- 為好牧者教會推動的事工代禱,期待英語堂主日崇拜、成人主日學、年輕夫婦團契、兒童主日學、G-Coffee Ministry在穩定中成長,教會在傳福音與靈命上有突破性的增長。Pray for our ministries, for the growth of English Sunday worship service, Christian Education, young couples fellowship, children’s Sunday School, G-Coffee ministry, and for the church’s progress in evangelism and breakthrough in spiritual growth.
- 為烏俄戰爭、以哈戰爭、紅海爆發攻擊商船危機禱告,求主止息戰火,停止仇敵詭計,使萬邦萬民都敬畏耶和華。Pray for the Ukraine-Russia, War, the Israel-Pakistan War, and the Houthis crisis of attacking merchant ships in the Red Sea. Ask the Lord to stop the war, stop the enemy’s schemes, and make all nations and people fear Him.
- 為台灣新任總統、副總統以及立委禱告,讓他們行公義、好憐憫、存謙卑的心與神同行,帶領國家走在神的旨意中,對內尋求群族和睦,對外突破外交困境,求神保守台灣未來的發展和平安。Pray for Taiwan’s new president, vice president, and legislators, that they may act righteously, love mercy, walk with God with humility, lead the country in God’s will, seek interethnic harmony internally, and make diplomatic breakthroughs externally. Pray for God’s protection on Taiwan’s future development and peace.
- 為古秀偉、王淑玲、鄧淑貞長老、胡紹禎、藍老師以及身體欠安的兄姊代禱。Pray for Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Elder Teng, Brother Hu, Teacher Lan, and all our brothers and sisters who are in poor health.