11-27-2022 Sunday Bulletin


主日信息 Sunday Sermon

「 在光明中行走 Walk in the Light 」

詩篇 Psalm 122, 以賽亞書 Isaiah 2:1-5

許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu


消息報告 Announcements

  1. 本主日起進入待降節,請基督徒以悔改、期待和盼望的心情,準備等待迎接主耶穌來臨的日子。This Sunday is the beginning of Advent, a time to prepare and look forward to our Lord Jesus’ birth with repentance, anticipation, and hope.
  2. 下主日是好牧者教會42週年生日,黃德利牧師將在主日崇拜中講道,中餐後舉行黃牧師新書「南加州好牧者」的新書發表和簽名會,歡迎兄姊參加。Next week is GSTPC’s 42nd birthday! Rev. David Huang will share a sermon that Sunday. After lunch, he will be signing his new book “Good Shepherd of Southern California.” All are welcome to attend!
  3. 12月6日週二上午十點在Arcadia 植物園 (Los Angeles County Arboretum & Botanic Garden) 舉辦健走活動,請自行在植物園前集合,歡迎兄姊參加。There will be a fellowship walk on December 6th (Tuesday) at 10:00am, held at the Arcadia Botanical Garden (Los Angeles County Arboretum & Botanic Garden). Please gather in the front of the garden; all brothers and sisters are welcome to participate.
  4. 12月10日週六上午九點到下午四點在教會舉行長執同工訓練會,邀請新舊任長執和團契小組同工一同參加,晚上有感恩聚餐。Our church’s coworker training meeting will be on December 10th (Sat) from 9am-4pm at church; new and old coworkers were invited to participate. There will also be a Thanksgiving dinner afterwards.
  5. 12月10日在教會舉行長執同工訓練會,邀請新舊任長執和團契小組同工一同參加,晚上有感恩聚餐。Our church’s coworker training meeting will be on December 10th (Sat) at church; new and old coworkers were invited to participate. There will also be a Thanksgiving dinner in the evening.
  6. 12月25日聖誕節讚美主日,下午有報佳音,歡迎邀請兄姊一同參加,慶祝主耶穌誕生的日子。Christmas Sunday is on December 25th and there will be caroling in the afternoon! Brothers and sisters are welcomed to invite others to join us in celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus.
  7. 感謝莊富盛長老過去幾年負責週三禱告會現場直播和後製工作,謝謝他的辛勞。12月起將由Henry長老和John長老接手,請代禱。We thank Elder Joseph for overseeing the live streaming and the production of our Wednesday prayer night for the past few years. Please pray for elders Henry and John as they take over in December.


關懷 & 代禱 Caring & Intercession

  1. 12月3日週六在台灣大甲長老教會舉行李廷樞牧師告別式,並安葬在故鄉竹南,請代禱。Pray for the memorial service for Rev. Thomas Lee on 12/3 (Saturday) at Dajia Presbyterian Church in Taiwan.
  2. 為何弘吉醫師心臟手術之後的恢復和療養,並家人照護的辛勞。Pray for Dr. He’s recovery after his heart surgery and for his family.
  3. 為明年事工計畫的進行,兄姊同心和牧師長執同工來按照上帝心意來完成。Pray for the smooth implementation of next year’s ministry plans, and that brothers and sisters will be able to work together with the pastor to accomplish God’s will.

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