10-04-2020 Sunday Bulletin
主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「以愛的誡命完成大使命 」
“Complete the Great Commission with the Commandment of Love”
徐信得牧師 Pastor Hsu
馬太福音 Matthew 28:18-20; 22:37-40
消息報告 Announcements
- 小會決議在10月31日(週六)早上10:00,借用牧谷教會的停車場舉行秋季和會,歡迎兄姊出席參加,互相問候請安,不方便出席者,可以透過Line Group Call同步參加會議,請代禱。The session has decided to borrow Shepherd of the Valley Church’s parking lot on October 31st (Saturday) at 10am for our annual fall congregational meeting. Brothers and sisters are welcome to attend and greet each other. Those who are unable to physically attend can join via Line group call. Please pray for the meeting.
- 小會決議出刊「四十週年紀念冊」,紀念冊小組召集人是王信心長老,歡迎兄姊踴躍投稿。The session has decided to publish our “40th Anniversary Book,” led by Elder Julia Wang. Brothers and sisters are welcome to contribute.
- 為郭東緒牧師、伍迦勒牧師、鄧淑貞長老、藍敏惠老師代禱,求神醫治及保守身體康復。Pray for Pastor Guo, Pastor Wu, Elder Deng, and Teacher Lan for their health and bodies to quickly heal and recover.
- 請為美國總統及核心幕僚集體確診禱告,特別是選舉進入倒數計時,求神賜給國家領袖及百姓平安,保守選舉過程順利,選出合神心意的領袖。Please pray for the candidates for the US president and their Cabinet, especially as the election is nearing. Pray that God would grant peace upon national leaders and their people, keep the election process smooth, and choose leaders who are after His own heart.
- 為COVID-19疫情控制、醫護人員的安全、疫苗研究的進度、政府和決策者有智慧的領導、家庭和教會適應新的生活方式、企業和家庭面對財務壓力、服務業人員的安全代禱。Pray for the control of the COVID-19 epidemic, the safety of medical staff, the progress of vaccine research, wisdom and leadership of the government and decision makers, families and churches to adapt to the new lifestyle, the financial pressure of enterprises and families, and the safety of service personnel.
- 為台灣政局安全及中共軍機繞台挑釁禱告,求神保守賜下平安在台灣這塊土地,以及住在台灣的鄉親。Pray for the security of Taiwan’s political situation, and ask God to protect our country and the people living there.
教會行事曆 Church Calendar
- TUE (10/6) 8:00pm 拉比食堂 Rabbi’s Cafe (紀元訓牧師)
- WED (10/7) 8:00pm 禱告會 Prayer Night (廖蓓理長老)
- THU (10/8) 11:00am 山姆的聖詩音樂 Hymn Music With Sam Sun (孫偉志老師)
- FRI (10/9) 10:00am 拉比分享小組 Rabbi Sharing Group (許明遠牧師)
- FRI (10/9) 8:00pm QT 小組 (林幼麗姐妹)
- SUN (10/11) 10:00am TPC 聯合禮拜 Sunday Worship Service (許明遠牧師)