09-11-2022 Sunday Bulletin


主日信息 Sunday Sermon

「 尋回第一百隻羊 Looking for the Hundredth Sheep 」

路加福音 Luke 15:1-10

許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu


消息報告 Announcements

  1. 昨天在教會舉行中秋節烤肉聯歡晚會,大家同樂感謝主,也感謝所有幫忙的同工。The Mid-Autumn Festival BBQ was held at church yesterday! We thank the Lord that everyone had fun and for all the co-workers who helped.
  2. 下主日是TPC主日,謝信光牧師與本會牧師交換講台,許牧師前往第一教會講道。Next Sunday is TPC Sunday. Pastor Hsieh and our pastor are exchanging podiums, and our pastor will be preaching at First TPC.
  3. 9月24-25日TPC聯合靈修會,邀請謝大立牧師主講,主題「憶馬偕、隨基督、更我新」,地點24日在柑縣長老教會,25日在第一長老教會,兄姊可現場和線上參加,報名請在招待桌上登記,有任何問題請洽蕭錫恩長老。TPC has invited Rev. Hsieh to lecture on the theme “Renewal to Follow Jesus Through Mackay” from 9/24-25, at Formosan Presbyterian Church OC on the 24th and First Presbyterian Church on the 25th. Brothers and sisters can participate in-person or online; please see Elder Eric to register or if there are questions.
  4. 10月1日禮拜六下午兩點在教會舉行黃春男兄弟告別禮拜,請兄姊參加。There will be a memorial service for Brother Huang at church on 10/1 (Saturday) at 2pm; brothers and sisters are invited to attend.
  5. 10月2日世界共同聖餐主日,將在Craig Regional Park (3300 State College Blvd, Fullerton, CA 92835) 舉辦野外禮拜,歡迎邀請親友一同參加,當天教會沒有開放。On World Communion Sunday (10/2), we are having a field service at Craig Regional Park (3300 State College Blvd, Fullerton, CA 92835); relatives and friends are welcome to attend! Our church will not be open that day.
  6. 若有人感動接受洗禮、堅信禮和轉籍的兄姊,請向許牧師或邱長老報名,歡迎接受耶穌基督成為救主並且加入好牧者的大家庭。If any brothers and sisters are moved to be baptized, confirmed, or converted, please register with Pastor Hsu or Elder Naomi. We welcome you to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and join the Good Shepherd family!
  7. 教會將招募一名同工參與英語事工學徒培訓的計劃,詳細內容張貼在公布欄,有興趣者請洽Henry長老,申請在9月25日截止,之後恕不再接受申請表。The church has opened an English ministry apprenticeship training program. Details are posted on the bulletin board and applications close on 9/25. If interested, please contact Elder Henry.
  8. 10月16日主日禮拜後將舉行秋季會員大會,會中將審查通過明年主題和主要事工並改選明年長執,請所有會員出席。Our autumn congregational meeting will be held after service on 10/16. Next year’s theme and ministries will be reviewed and approved, as well as coworkers re-election; all members are invited to attend.


關懷 & 代禱 Caring & Intercession

  1. 為明年長執提名委員會提名的過程代禱。Pray for next year’s process from the nominating committee.
  2. 為 Rick的爸爸古秀偉弟兄罹患口腔癌, 後續的醫療和恢復。Pray for Rick’s father, Brother Gu, for the follow-up medical treatment and recovery from oral cancer.
  3. 為黃春男弟兄10月1日告別禮拜,求上帝安慰遺族。Pray for the memorial service of Brother Huang on 10/1, and ask God to comfort the bereaved.

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