6-16-19 Sunday Bulletin
今日信息 / Sunday Sermon
「另一雙鞋 The Other Pair」
蘇惠智 牧師
路加福音 Luke 19:1-10
僕人 A Faithful Servant 路加福音 Luke 19:11-27
僕人如何管理主人的錢 Servants are entrusted with services
主人對僕人交託的獎懲 Are We Trustworthy Servants?
不肯冒險小心一無所有 Don’t Be The Minimalist
小事上忠心盡心力完成 Be A Faithful Servant
隨我的人若疼家己的父母、某子、兄弟、姊妹,甚至家己的性命贏過疼我, 當做我的門徒。
無夯家己的十字架來隨我的 當做我的門徒。
“Anyone who comes to me but refuses to let go of father, mother, spouse, children, brothers, sisters—yes, even one’s own self!—can’t be my disciple.
Anyone who won’t shoulder his own cross and follow behind me can’t be my disciple.“
§ 消息報告 / Announcements §
- 6月2日會員大會監選許明遠牧師結果,總共發出選票72張,68張同意、1張反對、3張廢票,監選通過。
- 本主日慶祝父親節,同時差派台灣短宣、祝福畢業生及歡送蘇牧師。
- 感謝蘇牧師在這一年當中幫助教會很多好的改變, 六月底結束本會的服事後, 牧師受邀請擔任美國長老教會總會亞洲人教會事工幹事,願上帝藉著牧師在總會的職位帶給亞洲教會許多的祝福。
- 上主日TPC聯合靈修會本教會主辦, 一切順利完成, 感謝上帝的帶領也感謝各位同工的辛勞。
- 暑期台灣短宣今年將服事花蓮東昌長老教會(6/29-7/5)以及阿里山茶山教會(7/6-7/13)。募款目標已經達標, 感謝兄姊為此關心奉獻, 也請繼續為課程準備、隊員訓練、當地教會招生及預備心來代禱。
- 今日午餐後1:30召開長執聯席會, 請長執留步參加會議。
- 活泉團契今日下午舉行月例會,由蘇牧師主理。會中將為1-6月份壽星慶生。
- 活泉團契於6/18日(二)舉行健走活動,9:30am LA植物園門口集合,
邀請兄姊一起來運動交誼。 301 N. Baldwin Ave. Arcadia, CA 91007 - 第三季的事工服事登記表在招待桌上, 請兄姐踴躍參與教會服事。
- 6/2 congregational meeting to call Rev. Ming-Yuan Hsu as GSTPC pastor, meeting result as followed—
72 ballots: 68 yes/1 no/ 3 null. - Happy Father’s day! Today we will also commission our Taiwan STM and bless all graduates.
- We appreciate Rev. Ralph Su this whole year’s teaching, guiding and building. Rev. Su is embarking on
a new journey to Kentucky as Associate for Asian Intercultural Congregational Support. - 2019 TPC retreat last weekend was a job well-done. We praise the Lord for His providence and thank you everyone for the hard work.
- Fundraise for 2019 Taiwan Short Term Mission has reached the Goal. This year we will be going to
Hualien and Alishan serving two churches. Please continue to support the team with prayers. - Elders and Deacon joint meeting today at 1:30PM.
- Please sign-up for the third quarter ministry roster at reception desk.
<肢體關懷與代禱事項 CARE & PRAYER>
● 請為2019好牧者暑期台灣短宣隊靈性上的預備代禱。
For 2019 Taiwan STM’s spiritual preparation and development of the team.
● 請為身體欠安、慕道的兄姐關心代禱及鼓勵。
Please pray for those who are sick, or in need, to receive God’s comfort and strength.
金句 / Key Verse
無夯(giâ) 家己的十字架來隨我的, 當做我的門徒
Anyone who won’t shoulder his own cross and follow behind me can’t be my disciple.
(路加福音Luke 14:27)