05-12-2024 Sunday Bulletin

Mother—An Incarnation of God
(創世記 Genesis 3:20, 路加福音 Luke 1:46-48)
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 本主日慶祝母親節,會中將贈送每位母親禮物,願上帝祝福每一位母親恩典滿滿。會中也將贈送敬老禮物給65歲以上的長者。Today is Mother’s Day, and may God bless every mother! Gifts will be given to all mothers and seniors over 65.
- 本主日舉行洗禮和聖餐,願上帝祝福接受洗禮加入神大家庭的每一位。We observed baptism and communion today. May God bless everyone who has joined His family.
- 成人主日學今天暫停一次。Christian Education is canceled for today.
- 本主日後,12:30-12:50 Sam將帶領姐妹會成員練習詩歌在陳玉慧姊妹告別追思禮拜獻唱,請兄姐參加。After service today from 12:20pm-12:50pm, Sam will be leading a practice for Sister Chen’s memorial service. Brothers and sisters are invited to participate.
- 陳玉慧姊妹告別追思禮拜,訂於5月19日星期日下午1:30在好牧者教會舉行,請兄姊禮拜後留步參加。Sister Chen’s memorial service will be held on May 19th (Sunday) at 1:30pm here at our church. Brothers and sisters are kindly requested to stay after the service to attend.
- 教會將擺攤參加Monterey Park 5/18「台灣傳統週園遊會」的福音外展事工,藉由說故事、手工、唱遊接觸社區的家庭與孩童,求主開拓福音外展的機會,帶領更多人認識主,請參與幫忙並代禱。Our church is participating in the Taiwanese American Heritage Week Festival on 5/18, and we will have a booth for evangelizing families and children through stories, crafts, and singing. Please pray that more will come to know the Lord.
- 5/18 姐妹會和G-Coffee福音事工移至5/25星期六下午12:30-14:30(12:30中餐,13:30演講)𨘋請林惠琦音樂博士與余達弟兄分享,題目:從文藝復興走向巴洛克~音樂與建築。有少見的大鍵琴介紹與建築史分享,請兄姊參加,也歡迎𨘋請親友參加。Sisters’ Fellowship and G-Coffee has been moved to May 25 (Saturday) with lunch at 12:30pm and lecture at 1:30pm. Dr. Melody Lin and Brother David Yu will be sharing “Renaissance to Baroque: Music and Architecture.” This is a rare opportunity, and all brothers and sisters are invited to attend.
代禱 Intercession
- 為5/18 教會擺攤參加「台灣傳統週園遊會」代禱,求神開啟福音的門,更多接觸及認識台裔第二代年輕夫婦家庭。Please pray for the Taiwanese American Heritage Week Festival booth on 5/18, that the gospel will be spread to all the families in the community.
- 為6/16父親節在本會舉辦「兒童事工Open House和園遊會」代禱,請邀請新朋友一起參加。 Please pray for Children’s Ministry’s Open House on 6/16.
- 求神憐憫及醫治古秀偉、王淑玲、鄧淑貞長老、胡紹禎、藍老師,保守身體平安。Ask God for His healing and protection on Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Elder Teng, Brother Hu, and Teacher Lan.