03-15-2020 Sunday Bulletin

今日信息 / Sunday Sermon

「你選擇什麼?What Do You Choose?」

許明遠 牧師

約翰福音 John 3:1-8,16-17

§ 消息報告 / Announcements §

    1. 今日是大齋節第三主日,讓我們以禁食、讀經和祈禱,記念主耶穌的憐憫與救贖大恩。 Today is the third Sunday of Lent. During this 40-day period of Lent, let us remember Jesus’ mercy and salvation through fasting, reading HisWord, and prayer.
    2. 為避免新冠狀病毒感染風險,小會決議主日禮拜暫停至三月底,週間聚會也一併暫停,四月起恢復主日聚會,若有變更再另行通知。To avoid the risk of spreading the coronavirus, the session members
      have decided to suspend Sunday services and weekly meetings until the end of March,
    3. 在主日聚會暫停期間,牧師室和小會合作推出網路崇拜,在每個主日上午十點,上網即可參加「好牧者教會主日禮拜網路直播」,將在主日學時間做詳細介紹。During the suspension of Sunday services, there will be online worship at 10am on Sundays. Our Sunday school today will have detailed information how to access the live stream.
    4. 教會新設立Line兩個群組–「好牧者關懷網」及「好牧者靈修網」,你將收到每日靈修、教會最新動態及緊急代禱事項,歡迎兄姊加入。We welcome our brothers and sisters to join our Line groups “Good
      Shepherd Care Network” and “Good Shepherd Daily Devotionals” for daily spiritual devotionals, church updates, and latest prayer requests.
    5. 美國川普總統宣布3/15為國家禱告日,請同心為新冠狀病毒疫情代禱,求神憐憫美國這塊土地及人民。President Trump has announced 3/15 to be the National Day of Prayer. Please pray about the coronavirus epidemic and ask God to have mercy on the land and people in the United States.
    6. 本會榮譽長老王清圻長老於3月7日安息主懷,享年97歲,訂於3月21日(週六) 早上9:00在Rose Hills的Hillside Chapel舉行告別禮拜,請為遺族代禱。The honorary elder Charlie Wang went to be with the Lord on March 7th at the age of 97. The memorial service will be held on March 21 (Saturday) at 9am at Hillside Chapel, Rose Hills. May God comfort the family members with His peace.
    7. 在新冠狀病毒疫情期間,盡量避免與人握手接觸,咳嗽時請掩口,並時常洗手,若身體感覺不舒服,請在家休息,萬一自己或家人有疑似徵兆,加州提供免費新冠肺炎檢測步驟如下:During this Wuhan epidemic, avoid shaking hands, cover your mouth when you cough, and wash your hands frequently. If you have a fever, please rest at home. If you or your family has any symptoms, California provides these services:
      A. 撥打加州公共衛生部健康風險值班電話 916-328-3605。Call the California Department of Public Health at 916-328-3605.
      B. 提供完整的個人信息,如果你有劇烈咳嗽、發燒、和呼吸困難,對方根據你的情况告知你到那所醫院進行檢查,他們會提前通知做好準備和隔離措施。Provide your complete personal information. If you have a severe cough, fever, and have difficulty breathing, they will tell you to go to the hospital for an examination according to your situation, and will inform you how to prepare and isolate.

§ 代禱事項 Intercession §

    1. 為鄧淑貞長老、侯政子姊妹、藍敏惠老師、連素真牧師娘(美玲牧師娘的母親) 禱告。Please pray for Elder Su-Tsuen Tun, Sister Zhengzi Hou, Teacher Lan Minhui, and the mother of Mrs. Hsu.
    2. 期盼六月份的TPC靈修會,不致受到疫情的影響,而能如期舉行,請繼續為臺語營講師:莊信德牧師、英語營講師:Rev. Enoch Liao、兒童營的同工、宣傳及報名禱告。Please pray that the TPC retreat will not be affected by this epidemic and that it will be held as scheduled. Continue to keep the TPC lecturers Rev.
      Daniel Chuang (Taiwanese) and Rev. Enoch Liao (English), coworkers at children’s camp, promotion, and registration process in prayer.
    3. 為武漢肺炎疫情代禱,求主除去人心的不安及恐懼,讓病毒得以控制。Pray that the Lord will remove our anxiety and fear regarding the coronavirus, and for the virus to be contained and controlled soon.

§教會行事曆 Church Calendar §

主日禮拜,週間聚會暫停至三月底 Sunday services and weekly meetings suspend until the end of March


“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes
in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” 

(約翰福音 John 3:16)

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