01-15-2023 Sunday Bulletin
咱是「上帝的教會」We Are "The Church of God"
(林前 1 Corinthians 1:1-11)
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 本主日補就任2023年新任長老王信心長老。This Sunday, we are having the coworker installment for Elder Julia Wang.
- 今年開始主日前9:45有會前祈禱的時間,請兄姊提前到教會預備心。This year, we will be having a short prayer time at 9:45am before the Sunday service starts. Brothers and sisters, please come to church in advance to prepare your hearts.
- 許牧師和牧師娘從1/16至2/9休假回台,請代禱他們有好的休息及平安的旅途。Our pastor and his wife will be in Taiwan from 1/16-2/9. Please pray for their safe journey and rest.
- 因為原訂1月21日姊妹團契的聚會是除夕,聚會將改到1月28日禮拜六上午十點,邀請邱乙如姊妹主講「靠神養命,靠油養生」,會中將分享身體和心靈的保健,並有手工製作適合個人精油的用品,歡迎大家踴躍參加,請在招待桌登記。Sisters’ Fellowship meeting has changed from 1/21 to 1/28 at 10am. Sister Lulu will be sharing “Relying on God for Life, Using Oils to Maintain Health,” and there will be handmade essential oil products for participants to use. All are welcomed to participate, please register at the reception table in the lobby.
- 2月26日禮拜後將召開春季會員大會,請各部會在2月19日之前將2022年度報告交給小會書記邱長老。Our spring congregational meeting will be held after the church service on 2/26. All ministries and fellowship groups are requested to submit their 2022 annual report to Elder Naomi before 2/19.
- 2023一年讀經第一季計劃表在招待桌上,請兄姐自行領取,在新的一年用任何一種讀經方式日日領受恩典並經歷神話語的大能。The 2023 annual Bible reading plans for the first quarter is on the reception table. Brothers and sisters are welcomed to pick it up and use any method of reading the Bible daily to receive grace and experience the power of God’s Word.
代禱 Intercession
- 請繼續為何弘吉醫師、古秀偉弟兄和陳夏蓮長老的身體病痛代禱。Please continue to pray for Dr. Ho, Brother Guo, and Sister Chen for their recovery and health.
- 為今年兄弟姊妹專注在讀經、禱告和團契上追求與上帝和兄姊的關係。Pray for brothers’ and sisters’ Bible reading, prayer and fellowship this year while pursuing their relationship with God and one another.