10-8-17 Sunday Bulletin
主日信息 / Sunday Sermon
『建造靈宮與聖殿 Building Spiritual Dwelling and Sanctuary』
蔡維仁 牧師
林前 1Cor 2:7-9, 彼前 1Pe 2:4-5, 詩 Ps 27:4
§ 消息報告 / Announcements §
- 感謝蔡牧師今日證道,願主大大加添心力,施恩賜福他與牧師娘的身心靈,並祝福他們的禾場。
- 下主日(10/15)邀請台南神學院副教授來本會講道,楊牧師目前在Claremont School of Theology進修中。
- 10月21日禮拜六下午兩點TPC為陳義敏牧師舉行一場感恩追思禮拜在牧谷教會,請兄姊關心參加。
- 成人主日學已開始上課,九月至十月由李洋誌牧師主講「約拿記的現代信息」,鼓勵兄姊參加,同蒙造就。
- 週二查經班每週二10-12pm在陳玉惠姊府上聚會,本週二(9/5)將由莊瑞芳長老導讀詩篇10-14篇,鼓勵兄姊踴躍參加。
- 兒童主日學將於10/22(日)舉辦曬書會,歡迎大家把狀況良好的兒童書籍帶來交換、捐贈,即日起開始接收贈書。
- 聖歌隊的CD尚未拿到的兄姊請在招待桌領取,贈送每人一片,若需要額外的,建議每片為教會奉獻$5。
- 第四季服事表已印出在招待處,請每戶拿一份,並為事奉者禱告。
- 代禱事項:為聘牧事工和聘牧委員會代禱,求主賜智慧給委員會來找尋合神心意的牧者。為宣教士:Frank Lin巴西宣教和楊一哲師母瓦邦宣教。為有病痛和年老的兄姊。為南美颶風災民及墨西哥地震災民,數萬人仍流離失所,家園殘破。
- Many thanks and blessings to Rev. Tsay for sharing the Word of God with us today.
- A memorial service for late Rev. Tanng will be held at Shepherd of yhe Valley Church on Sat. 10/21 at 2pm.
- Noah’s ark Book Off will be held on 10/22. You’re welcome to share and swap children’s book after Sunday service. Accepting books now.
- Choir CD “The Season” is available at reception table, 1 complimentary per person, $5 suggested donation each extra CD.
- Quarter 4 ministry schedule is published, please take one per household.
- Prayer request: For pastor search and PNC, may God bestow wisdom in finding a pastor who’s after God’s own heart. For mission partners, Frank Lin in Brazil, and Linda Yang in Wa State Myanmar. Home-bound elderly and brothers and sisters in illness. For victims of hurricane Harvey and Irma. Tens of thousands of people are still displaced.
週間聚會/ Weekly Fellowship
- 禮拜二查經組聚會
- 禮拜五聚會: 8 pm 小組查經 (QT Bible Study) 、少年團契 (Youth Group)
- 禮拜日聚會: 10 am 成人主日學、11 am 台語崇拜、英文團契、兒童 / 少年主日學
…and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation..
(出埃及記 Exodus 19:6a)