2015-3-29 Sunday Bulletin
主日信息 / Sunday Sermon
『承擔災病的救主 The Savior Who Boure Our Sufferings』
蔡維仁 牧師
以賽亞書 Isa 53:1-6
§ 消息報告 / Announcements §
- 大齋節期自2/18至4/4,鼓勵兄姊參與40天連鎖禁食禱告:為個人靈命復興,經歷與神同在;生活有力,見證神夠用恩典;教會興旺,廣傳福音真道;國家社會謹守公義和平,蒙神眷佑保守。
- 受難夜聖餐禮拜於4/3(本週五)晚上8-9:30在大禮堂舉行,鼓勵兄姊踴躍出席,一同透過逾越節的方式,思想最後晚餐及聖餐的意義。
- 下主日為復活節,鼓勵兄姊以百合花追思親人,請登記及確認名錄,並請於下主日提前抵達教堂,將百合花置於木十字架下。
- 新眼光讀經已到,本季主題”生命的活水”。請每戶拿取一本。
- 2015暑期台灣短宣募款開跑!募款目標$8,182. 今年服事教會: 花蓮信義長老教會及桃園信義會牧恩堂,短宣團隊共九名。
- 2015TPC聯合靈修會將於6/12-14(父親節前一個週末)舉行。主題:燃起宣教之火。請兄姊預留時間,踴躍參加。
- 好牧者設教35週年慶同樂游輪旅預計於11/6-9舉行。
- 請為教會異象,長執同工,團契,服事兄姊,宣教夥伴及年長肢體代禱。
- 持守真道請繼續為美國及台灣社會倫理,教會持守真理代禱。
- 請為普世關懷代禱: 地球環境危機,世界和諧穩定,福音廣傳,人心敬畏神,各國政府行公義,好憐憫,存謙卑的心與神同行。
- Lent will be observed 2/18-4/4. All are encouraged to participate in the 40 day prayerband fasting chain for: personal spiritual revival, to experience the presence of God; empowered life, to witness God’s sufficient grace; thriving of church, to spread the gospel of truth; justice and peace of our countryand society, to receive blessings from God.
- Good Friday Service will be held at the Santuary on 4/3, 8:00-9:30. You’re encouraged to come and contemplate the Last Supper and the communion.
- Easter Sunday: if you like to commemorate your loved ones please sign names at reception desk and bring your Easter lillies early to place under the wooden cross on Easter Sunday.
- 2015 TPC joint retreat date is set on 6/12-14, which is the weekend befor Father’s Day. Please set aside your time to participate.
- Fundraiser for 2015 Taiwan Short Term Mission has begun. Goal is set at $8,182. This year’s team consists of 9 members.
- GSTPC 35th Anniversary Cruise Celebration is being planed for 11/6-9.
- You are encouraged to brin gyour own tableware for lunch. Helps the earth.
- Your intercession is requested for church vision, church leaders, fellowship, Sunday ministery, mission partners and home-bound elderly.
- Upholding the truth please pray for social ethics of U.S. and Taiwan, and our faithful obedience to the Word of God.
- Intercession requested for global concerns: global environmental crisis, world peace and stability, spread of Godspel, fear of God in people, and for all government to do justly, and walk with God with a humble heart.
週間聚會/ Weekly Fellowship
- 星期五聚會: 8 pm 小組查經 (QT Bible Study)、少年團契 (Youth Group)
- 星期日聚會: 10 am 成人主日學、11 am 台語崇拜、英文團契、兒童 / 少年主日學
“Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. (可 Mark 11:9b)