01-16-2022 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「 神必為我們爭戰 」
出埃及記 Exodus 14:8-18
蔡尚男牧師 Rev. Tsai
消息報告 Announcements
- 本主日1月16日,因疫情升溫omicron傳染擴散,咱南加TPC許多教會已經暫停實體禮拜,聯播主日從本週1/16起聯合直播,歡迎各教會一同敬拜。 Due to the spread of the omicron virus, many TPC churches in Southern California have suspended physical services. The online joint service will be broadcasted today (1/16). All churches are welcome to worship together.
- TPC主日聯播暫定至2月底,視疫情走勢再做調整。TPC’s online Sunday services is tentatively scheduled until the end of February and will be adjusted depending on the churches’ needs during the epidemic.
- 主日下午三點召開網上長執會,請長執出席。There will be an online board meeting this Sunday at 3pm. Elders and deacons, please attend.
- 各教會已有確診家庭,請兄姊一同同心代禱,為疫情得趨緩,求主醫治安慰。Please pray for all the families affected by the current virus and ask the Lord for healing and comfort.
- 1/16 主日聖地雅歌蔡尚男牧師分享信息 We thank Rev. Tsai for sharing the message today
1/23 主日雙連教會蔡政道牧師證道 Next week, Rev. Tsai from Taiwan’s Shuang Lien Presbyterian Church will be preaching
關懷 & 代禱 Caring & Intercession
- 為新的一年教會新事工和計劃的進行,牧師長執同工合一有信心來作工。Pray for our church’s new ministries and plans for the new year, that the pastor and congregation can faithfully work together.
- 本會短宣隊預計錄製五集的網上福音課程,免費提供給台灣偏鄉弱小教會支援當地兒童事工,目前開始錄製第五集,請為事工進行及錄製過程來代禱。Our church’s STM team is recording five sections for the online Bible curriculum, which will be freely distributed in Taiwan to support local children’s ministries. The fifth episode is currently being recorded; please pray for the ministry and the process.
- 為身體欠安的兄姊禱告,「因祂受的刑罰我們得平安,因祂受的鞭傷我們得醫治。」Pray for our brothers and sisters in poor health, for “upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with His wounds we are healed.”