12-25-2022 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「 大歡喜的好消息 Good News of Great Joy 」
路加福音 Luke 2:8-20
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 本主日是聖誕主日,點燃白色的基督蠟燭 Candle of Christ, 象徵「世界的光」主耶穌基督已經降臨。Today is Christmas Sunday, and we light the white Christ Candle, which symbolizes that our Lord Jesus Christ, the “Light of the World”, has come.
- 今日下午有報佳音的活動,請午餐後一點在大堂集合,練歌後一起出發。There will be caroling this afternoon! Please gather in the lobby at 1pm after lunch and we will set off together.
- 本年度的奉獻接收至1月8日截止,支票上請註明是2022年的奉獻。若是還有2022年還未請款的項目,請盡快向財務王灼熒長老申請。Donations for this year will be received until January 8th; please indicate on the check that it is for 2022. If there are still projects that have not been requested for funding in 2022, please contact our treasurer Elder Peter Wang as soon as possible.
- 禮拜一晚上8點網上召開長執會,請2023年新長執同工參加。Online board meeting will be held this Monday at 8pm; new 2023 co-workers are invited to attend.
- 12月29-31日 EM將參加TPC舉辦的winter retreat在Kernville,主題「My Life with Jesus」由各教會EM leaders來帶領,請代禱。 EM is participating in TPC’s winter retreat on 12/29-31 at Kernville. The theme is “My Life with Jesus” and it will be led by our EM; please keep them in prayer.
- 下主日1月1日舉行新年度新任同工就任,請所有新任長執和各團契小組負責同工預備心參加。Next Sunday (January 1st), our new co-workers will be installed. All new staff and leaders of fellowship groups are welcomed to participate.
- 宗教教育部將於2023年推動兩種一年讀經計劃:編年史讀經計劃 (照歷史和時間次序)和聖經一年逐卷讀。祝福弟兄姊妹在新的一年用任何一種讀經方式,一起日日來領受並經歷神話語的大能。The education department will be promoting two yearly Bible reading plans in 2023: the chronological and canonical order. We encourage our brothers and sisters to use any method of reading the Bible in the new year to receive and experience the power of God’s Word every day.
關懷 & 代禱 Caring & Intercession
- 請為何弘吉醫師手術後逐漸恢復和古秀偉弟兄的治療持續代禱和關心。Please continue to pray for Dr. Ho’s recovery and Rick’s father’s treatment.
- 為明年新任長執和同工代禱,在新的一年愈服事愈甘甜。Pray for the new coworkers and that our service next year be sweet to the Lord.