11-20-2022 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「 葡萄園奇遇記 Adventure of the Vineyard 」
馬太福音 Matthew 20:1-16
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 本主日是感恩節主日,教會在中午準備感恩大餐,歡迎留步一同用餐和交誼。This Sunday is Thanksgiving Sunday! The church has prepared a feast and all are welcomed to join us for food and fellowship.
- 2023年經文月曆已經到,請在招待桌拿一家庭一份。Each family is welcomed to take one copy of the 2023 Scripture calendar at the reception table.
- 昨天姊妹團契在教會舉行聚會和聚餐。十二月份會再試辦一次實體聚會。如果一切順利,明年起將開始恢復每個月一次的實體聚會。Sisters’ Fellowship had a meeting and meal at church yesterday. There will be another in-person gathering in December, and if all goes well, monthly in-person gatherings will resume next year.
- 12月3日在台灣大甲長老教會舉行李廷樞牧師告別式,並安葬在故鄉竹南,請代禱。The memorial service for Rev. Thomas Lee will be held on December 3rd at Dajia Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, and he will be buried in his hometown Zhunan; please pray for the family.
- 12月4日是好牧者教會42週年生日,黃德利牧師將在主日崇拜中講道,中餐後舉行黃牧師新書「南加州好牧者」的新書發表和簽名會,歡迎兄姊參加。December 4th is GSTPC’s 42nd birthday! Rev. David Huang will share a sermon that Sunday. After lunch, he will be signing his new book “Good Shepherd of Southern California.” Brothers and sisters are welcome to attend.
- 12月10日在教會舉行長執同工訓練會,邀請新舊任長執和團契小組同工一同參加,晚上有感恩聚餐。Our church’s coworker training meeting will be on December 10th (Sat) at church; new and old coworkers were invited to participate. There will also be a Thanksgiving dinner in the evening.
- 12月25日聖誕節讚美主日,下午有報佳音,歡迎邀請兄姊一同參加,慶祝主耶穌誕生的日子。Christmas Sunday is on December 25th and there will be caroling in the afternoon! Brothers and sisters are welcomed to invite others to join us in celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus.
- 感謝莊富盛長老過去幾年負責週三禱告會現場直播和後製工作,謝謝他的辛勞。12月起將由Henry長老和John長老接手,請代禱。We thank Elder Joseph for overseeing the live streaming and the production of our Wednesday prayer night for the past few years. Please pray for elders Henry and John as they take over in December.
關懷 & 代禱 Caring & Intercession
- 為感恩節和聖誕節假日期間兄姊出外的安全。Pray for the safety of brothers and sisters going out during Thanksgiving and Christmas.
- 為明年事工計畫的進行,兄姊同心和牧師長執同工來按照上帝心意來完成。Pray for the smooth implementation of next year’s ministry plans, and that brothers and sisters will be able to work together with the pastor to accomplish God’s will.
- 為身體欠安和年老無法來教會或使用網路禮拜的兄姊禱告。Pray for the brothers and sisters who are ill, unable to come to church, or unable to access the online worship.