05-14-2023 Sunday Bulletin

我無𣍐記得你 I Will Not Forget You
(以賽亞書 Isaiah 49:14-16)
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 本主日是母親節,台英語聯合禮拜,願上帝祝福所有母親,教會準備禮物贈送在場的母親。教會同時準備敬老的禮物贈送給長者。This Sunday is Mother’s Day! May God bless all mothers, and the church has prepared gifts for all the mothers here today, as well as gifts for the elderly.
- 今天的成人主日學暫停一次,聚會後有午餐交誼。Adult Sunday School is having a break today, and we will have lunch right after the service.
- 主日證道提供華語耳機翻譯服務,請在招待桌上掃描QR Code後,會有詳細說明並供應耳機。We have Chinese translation for the Sunday sermon; please scan the QR code on the lobby table for details.
- Irvine 台灣基督長老教會將在下午 2:00舉辦 「515 週年音樂追思禮拜」,歡迎兄姊參加。Irvine TPC is having a special memorial service for the 5/15 remembrance on May 14th (Sunday) at 2pm, and invites all TPC brothers and sisters to join.
代禱 Intercession
- 求神復興教會,長執及兄姊同心合意,委身於禱告、傳揚福音、並彼此相愛,追求「在主裡建造、在愛中興旺」的目標。Pray that God will revive our church, that all our brothers and sisters will be of one mind, committing themselves to prayer, spreading the gospel, loving each other, and pursuing the goal of “Building in the Lord and Thriving in Love.”
- 為教會推動社區福音事工、兒童事工禱告,求神帶領更多人進入教會。Pray for our church’s community evangelism and children’s ministry, for God to lead more people into the church.
- 為何弘吉醫師、古秀偉、王淑玲、鄧淑貞長老、胡紹禎、藍老師以及身體欠安的兄姊代禱。Continue to pray for Dr. Ho, Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Elder Teng, Brother Hu, Teacher Lan, and all our elderly for their health.
- 求神保守台灣、美國明年的總統大選,特別為美國槍枝氾濫、經濟、治安,以及台灣局勢的安全代禱。Pray for God’s protection on Taiwan and the United States in their presidential election next year, especially for the gun situation, economy, law and order, and safety.