04-21-2024 Sunday Bulletin

開到水深之處 Put Out Into Deep Water
(路加福音 Luke 5:1-11)
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 感謝許牧師在休假中仍然遠距講道,願上帝祝福牧師一路平安回美國。We thank our pastor for preaching remotely even while on his vacation. May God bless him with a safe journey back.
- 下週日將邀請紀元訓牧師講道,請代禱。Rev. James Chi will be preaching next Sunday, please keep him in your prayers.
- 禮拜後成人主日學有三個課程:信仰要理問答 (台英兩組) 和主日信息回應分享,歡迎兄姊加入同成長受造就。We have three Christian Education classes after service: Catechism (Taiwan and English) and Sunday message response sharing. All are encouraged to participate and grow together.
- 英文事工將在四月發起捐贈救世軍的活動,會列出接受和不接受捐贈的物品清單供參考,請將還算新但可捐贈的物品帶來,英文事工會收集並在四月底帶到救世軍,請兄姊踴躍參與。English Ministry is hosting a Salvation Army drive in April. List of acceptable items will be in the lobby, so please donate your lightly-used or lightly-worn clothes. EM will collect and bring it to Salvation Army at the end of April.
- 從本週五起4/25-27在牧谷教會舉行的NTPC五十週年感恩禮拜及年會,求神大大興起TPC眾教會。NTPC’s 50th anniversary celebration and annual meeting will be held at Shepherd of the Valley on April 25th-27th. Pray that God will raise up the TPC churches.
- 5月5日主日下午一點召開長執會,請長執留步參加。Board meeting on May 5th; elders and deacons, please attend.
- 5月12日慶祝母親節,禮拜中將邀請所有弟兄來獻詩,Sam將在4/28 & 5/5 兩個週日帶弟兄在12:30pm左右練習,請在主日禮拜後留步練習。We will celebrate Mother’s Day on May 12th! All brothers are invited to sing hymns during the service, and Sam will lead the practice on 4/28 and 5/5 (Sundays) at 12:30pm. Please stay and practice after the Sunday service.
- 5月12日母親節主日將舉行洗禮和聖餐, 若有意願接受小兒洗禮、成人洗禮、堅信禮或是轉籍者,請向牧師報名。On Mother’s Day (5/12), we will be observing baptism and communion. If you would like to receive child baptism, adult baptism, confirmation, or transfer of church membership, please register with the pastor.
代禱 Intercession
- 為6/16父親節主日在本教會舉辦兒童事工的open house和園遊會,求上帝帶領未認識主的兒童和家長進入神的家。Please pray for the Children’s Ministry open house and celebration on Father’s Day (6/16), for God to lead children and parents who do not yet know the Lord into the family of God.
- 為年底的美國總統大選禱告,求神興起行公義、好憐憫、存謙卑的心、與神同行的領袖,帶領美國走在神的道路。Pray for the US presidential election at the end of the year. Ask God to raise up leaders who do justly, love mercy, have a humble heart, and walk with God to lead our country on God’s path.
- 求神醫治陳玉慧、古秀偉、王淑玲、鄧淑貞長老、胡紹禎、藍老師,保守他們的身體恢復健康。Ask God to heal Sister Chen, Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Elder Teng, Brother Hu, and Teacher Lan back to bodily health.