09-13-2020 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon

「今日,咱倘慶祝什麼? What Can We Celebrate Today?」

許明遠牧師 Pastor Hsu

馬可福音 Mark 6:7-13, 30


消息報告 Announcements

  1. 「ABC 2020基督徒教育大會」訂於9/19(週六)舉行,大會主題「在基督裡降卑與高升」 ,安排52場精彩專題講座,報名費10元,有興趣者請上網報名: www.les.edu/abc2020-registration. On 9/19 (Saturday), ABC 2020 Christian Education Conference will hold its conference with its theme “Humbled and Uplifted in Christ.” There will be 52 thematic lectures, and the registration fee is $10. If interested, please go online to register: www.les.edu/abc2020-registration
  2. 週五 (9/18) 晚上8:00「QT小組」聚會,以「活潑的生命」分享及代禱,歡迎兄姊參加。Every Friday at 10am, the “Rabbi’s Café Sharing Group” will continue discussing the past week’s topic. Brothers and sisters are welcomed to join.
  3. 週五 (9/18) 晚上8:00「QT小組」聚會,以「活潑的生命」分享及代禱,歡迎兄姊參加。Every Friday, the QT Group will meet at 8pm and will use “Living Life” as their material to share and pray for each other.
  4. 加州及俄洛岡州發生嚴重野火,求神憐憫人員傷亡及房舍毀損的家庭,保護消防隊員平安,儘早控制火勢蔓延。There has been many severe wildfires that have broken out across California and Oregon. Pray for mercy on families whose houses have been burnt down, for the protection and safety of firefighters, and for control on the spread of fire as soon as possible.
  5. 由於疫情關係,居家隔離及限制仍將持續進行,求主保守心理和情緒受影響的兄弟姊妹,能得到團契彼此的關懷和扶持。Due to the epidemic situation, home isolation and restrictions will continue. Please pray for the brothers and sisters who are psychologically and emotionally affected, that they can get care and support from each other in fellowship.
  6. 為COVID-19疫情控制、醫護人員的安全、疫苗研究的進度、政府和決策者有智慧的領導、家庭和教會適應新的生活方式、企業和家庭面對財務壓力、服務業人員的安全代禱。Pray for the control of the COVID-19 epidemic, the safety of medical staff, the progress of vaccine research, the intelligent leadership of the government and decision makers, families and churches to adapt to the new lifestyle, the financial pressure of enterprises and families, and the safety of service personnel.
  7. 為年底美國總統大選代禱,求主興起行公義、好憐憫、存謙卑的心,與神同行的領袖,同時為美國醫療體系及醫護人員代禱,求神加添力量並保守他們平安。Pray for the US presidential election at the end of the year, asking the Lord to raise up leaders who are righteous, compassionate, humble, and walk with God. At the same time, pray for the American medical system and medical staff, asking God to strengthen and keep them safe.

教會行事曆 Church Calendar

      • TUE (9/15) 8:00pm 拉比食堂 Rabbi’s Cafe (葉高芳牧師)
      • WED (9/16) 8:00pm 禱告會 Prayer Night (邱乙如姊妹)
      • THU (9/17) 11:00am 山姆的聖詩音樂 Hymn Music With Sam Sun (孫偉志老師)
      • FRI (9/18) 10:00am 拉比分享小組 (許明遠牧師)
      • FRI (9/18) 8:00pm QT 小組 (林幼麗姐妹)
      • SUN (9/20) 10:00am 聯合禮拜 Sunday Worship Service (謝信光牧師)
      • SUN (9/20) 11:05am 成人主日學 Adult Sunday School (陳柏志牧師)

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