08-29-2021 Sunday Bulletin



主日信息 Sunday Sermon

「 教會在解封之後的再定義—重返門徒的老路 」

馬太福音 Matthew 28:18-20

莊信德牧師 Rev. Daniel Chuang


消息報告 Announcements

  1. 2021年TPC聯合靈修會,昨日與今日在網路上通過Zoom以及YouTube的轉播已經完成,感謝莊信德牧師帶來四講的講座,讓我們在這個劇變的世代,知道如何追求永恆不變的價值。也真多謝執委同工的籌備,以及各教會牧長及兄姊的參與,盼望在後疫情的時代,我們更加團結同心事奉。The 2021 TPC Joint Conference from yesterday and today has been completed; we thank Pastor Chuang for sharing four lectures on pursuing eternal goals and for the committee and churches for putting the conference together; we pray that we become more united after this epidemic situation.
  2. 下次TPC的聯合禮拜於9/26,邀請台灣竹塘長老教會莊孝盛牧師證道。The next TPC joint worship is on 9/26, Pastor Chuang has been invited to speak.
  3. 每年9月第三主日是TPC的紀念主日,今年因考慮疫情及無牧師的教會的困難,所以沒有交換講台。TPC事工的經費大部分是靠紀念主日與靈修會的奉獻,以及各教會的負擔金來支持,此次靈修會沒有收報名費但仍然鼓勵各教會兄姊為TPC聯合的事工關心代禱與奉獻。Because several TPC churches do not have their own pastor, there will be no pulpit exchange in September this year; due to the free online conference this year, we encourage offerings to continue supporting TPC.


關懷 & 代禱 Caring & Intercession

    1. 喜信教會郭東緒牧師6月底手術後復原良好, 現已回到教會服事,感謝主!We thank everyone’s prayers for Pastor Hsu’s recovery after surgery; he is back at church, praise the Lord! 
    2. 內陸教會伍迦勒牧師於8/2蒙主恩召,9/5在自家追思禮拜,請關心其家庭及教會的服事。Inland Church’s Pastor Wu passed away on 8/2 and his memorial is on 9/5, please keep his family and church in your prayers.
    3. 爾灣教會新任牧師李輔仁牧師於8/1開始服事,歡迎他加入TPC這個大家庭。We welcome Pastor Lee, Irvine’s new pastor since 8/1, to the TPC family. 

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