07-03-2022 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「 乃幔教我們的三件事 Three Things That Naaman Taught Us 」
列王記下 2 Kings 5:1-14
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 下午三點召開長執會, 請長執參加。 Board meeting today at 3pm; elders and deacons, please attend.
- 8月1日-5日兒童主日將在教會舉辦夏季主日學VBS (Vacation Bible School),主題是”Awesome Love 超讚的愛”,歡迎邀請小朋友參加。From August 1st to 5th, the church will hold a summer Sunday school VBS (Vacation Bible School) with the theme Awesome Love.” Children are welcome to participate!
關懷 & 代禱 Caring & Intercession
- 為教會週間網路聚會禱告 – 週三禱告會、週四早上查經團契和週五晚上QT查經。Pray for the church’s weekly online meetings: Wednesday prayer meeting, Thursday morning Bible study fellowship, and Friday night QT Bible study.
- 為兒童事工和暑假夏季主日學的準備和邀請。Pray for the preparation and invitation of the children’s ministry during our summer Sunday School camp.
- 為身體欠安和年老無法來教會或使用網路禮拜的兄姊禱告。Pray for the brothers and sisters who are ill, unable to come to church, or unable to access the online worship.