12-15-19 Sunday Bulletin

今日信息 / Sunday Sermon

你的臉發光,阮都要得救 When God’s Face Shines, We Are Saved

許明遠 牧師

詩篇 Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19

§ 消息報告 / Announcements §

      1. 本主日舉行聖禮典,歡迎洗禮和轉籍的兄姊加入好牧者主的大家庭。
      2. 禮拜後中餐時間主日學老師年終會議,老師請出席。
      3. 禮拜二活泉團契健走活動九點半在Arcadia 植物園,歡迎兄姊參加。
      4. 下主日慶祝聖誕,詩班將獻唱「看哪! 那顆星」,下午前往需要的家庭報佳音,願主耶穌降生的喜樂平安帶給兄弟姊妹。
      5. 12月21日姊妹團契聚會,由許牧師娘主理,歡迎兄姊參加。
      6. 12月22日下週日午餐後活泉團契舉行例會,慶祝7月到12月生日。
      7. 12月26-28日English Ministry Winter Retreat在Hesperia, San Bernardino 舉行,有十一位年青人參加,求上帝帶領他們有豐盛的得著。
      8. 教會月曆已經到,請在招待桌領取,每家庭一份。

      1. We will have a sacrament ceremony today to welcome the newly baptized and transfers into the Good Shepherd’s family.
      2. After lunch, there will be a Noah’s Ark teachers’ year-end meeting. Teachers, please attend.
      3. This Tuesday, the Living Springs Fellowship will have a hike at the Arcadia Botanical Garden at 9:30am. Welcome all to join.
      4. To celebrate Christmas the following Sunday, the choir will sing “Behold! The Star” in the service. May the music bless all the brothers and sisters with the joy and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
      5. There will be a Sisters’ Fellowship Meeting on December 21. All are welcomed to attend.
      6. On December 22, the Living Spring Fellowship will have their regular meeting after lunch and celebrate its birthday.
      7. On December 26-28, the English Ministry Winter Retreat will be held in Hesperia, San Bernardino. Eleven of our young people will be participating. Please pray for their upcoming ministry and this retreat.
      8. The church calendar is now available at the reception table, one per family.

    1. < 教會行事曆 Church Calendar >
      • 12/21 (週六) 年終長執同工感恩聚餐 Year-End Appreciation Dinner
      • 12/22 (主日) 聖誕節讚美禮拜 Christmas Worship Service
      • 12/26-28 (週四到週六) EM Winter Retreat
      • 1/5/2020 (主日) 新任長執同工就任 Installation for New Elders, Deacons, and Coworkers
      • 1/11/2020 (週六) 敬拜讚美培訓 Praise & Worship Workshop

      <肢體關懷與代禱事項 CARE & PRAYER> 
      ● 請為身體欠安、慕道的兄姐關心代禱及鼓勵。
      Please pray for those who are sick, or in need, to receive God’s comfort and strength.

      金句 / Key Verse


      “For God, Who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to
      give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

       (哥林多後書 2 Corinthians 4:6)

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