04-09-2023 Sunday Bulletin

I Am the Resurrection and the Life
(約翰福音 John 11:25-26)
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 本月開始教會提供主日禮拜華語翻譯,在招待桌上有QR Code掃描後有詳細說明如何操作並供應耳機,請邀請聽華語的兄姊到來參加敬拜。The church has started providing the Chinese translation of the service! The QR code and earphones are on the lobby table, and the code has detailed instructions on how to connect. We invite all our Mandarin-speaking brothers and sisters to worship with us.
- 本主日復活節讚美禮拜並舉行聖餐和洗禮,感謝主耶穌的受死和復活帶給全人類盼望。Today is Easter Sunday! We will also celebrate baptism and observe communion, thanking our Lord Jesus for His death and resurrection that brings hope.
- 禮拜六上午十點在教會舉行G-Coffee 福音活動,姊妹團契聯合參加,會中邀請烘豆達人Eric長老和Barista Trainer Grace Choi, 共同主持當天的課程,歡迎兄姊參加。This Saturday (4/15) at 10am, our evangelism G-Coffee event will be held at church, joined by Sisters’ Fellowship. Elder Eric and barista trainer Grace Choi will be co-hosting that day, and all brothers and sisters are welcome to attend.
- 執事會因應土耳其和敘利亞地震的需要,由急難救助基金捐出兩千元透過美國長老教會來捐助災區的需要。長執會決定鼓勵兄姊來為此奉獻,有感動者請在支票上註明為震災,教會將集中款項共同寄出,希望透過大家小小的力量帶來鼓勵和幫助。 In response to the Turkey-Syrian earthquake, the Deacon Council has donated $2,000 from the Emergency Relief Fund through the American Presbyterian Church. The committee also encourages brothers and sisters to contribute to this cause, so please indicate on the check if your offering is for the earthquake disaster. GSTPC will send the funds together to bring encouragement and financial help through everyone’s contribution.
- 第二季招待服事表放在招待桌上,鼓勵兄姊登記一同參與服事。The usher service form for the second quarter is on the lobby table, brothers and sisters are encouraged to participate in serving together.
代禱 Intercession
- 繼續為何弘吉醫師、古秀偉、呂耀斌弟兄並年老的兄姊身體健康代禱。Continue to pray for the recovery and health of Dr. Ho, Brother Kuo, and all our elderly brothers and sisters.