02-09-2020 Sunday Bulletin
今日信息 / Sunday Sermon
「盼望使人留意未來 Hope Will Keep Your Eyes on the Future」
許明遠 牧師
腓立比書 Phil. 3:13-17 / 詩篇 Ps. 16:11
§ 消息報告 / Announcements §
- 本會積極會員名單貼在公布欄,請會友自行查看,若有問題請與邱瑜嫩長老聯絡。The list of active members is now posted on the bulletin board, please check for accuracy. If there are any questions, please contact Elder Naomi.
- 禮拜後隨即召開春季會員大會,請兄姊留步參加。Spring congregational meeting will be after the main service today, please attend.
- 2月15日 (週六) 上午10點,姐妹會與葡萄樹團契合辦專題講座「彈珠汽水的故事—探討原生家庭」,請兄姊參加。On February 15 (Sat) at 10 am, Sisters Fellowship and Vineyard Fellow-ship will be having a special lecture “The Marble Soda Story—Exploring Family Origins.”
- 活泉團契在2月16日 (下主日) 午餐後舉行例会,由蕭錫恩長老主理,請兄姊參加。Living Spring Fellowship will have their meeting after lunch next Sunday, hosted by Elder Eric.
- 2月16日 (下主日) 下午1:30舉行「崇拜同工訓練會」,由許牧師主理,請參與崇拜服事的長執同工參加。Also next Sunday, there will be a Sunday service coworkers training at 1:30 pm, led by Rev. Hsu.
- 針對目前武漢肺炎的疫情,提醒兄姊減少到華人餐館或人多的場所,勤洗手並多注意自己身體。In regards to the current epidemic situation in Wuhan, remember to wash your hands frequently, avoid crowded areas, and take special care and attention of your health.
§ 代禱事項 Intercession §
- • 為鄧淑貞長老、侯政子姊妹、藍敏惠老師、連素真牧師娘 (美玲牧師娘的母親) 禱告。Please pray for Elder Su-Tsuen Tun, Sister Zhengzi Hou, Teacher Lan Minhui, and the mother of Mrs. Hsu.
- • 為TPC靈修會的籌備、講員邀請 (臺語營、英語營、兒童營) 、宣傳與報名禱告。Please pray for the preparation of TPC’s conference: speakers (for Taiwanese, English, and children’s camp), invitations, promotion, and registration.
- • 武漢肺炎的疫情仍在延燒,目前超過三萬個確定病例,死亡人數也超過六百人,求神憐憫醫治患病的人,讓各地疫情盡快得到控制。The virus outbreak from Wuhan is prolonged. There are currently more than 300,000 cases, and the death toll is now at 600. Please pray for God’s mercy on the afflicted, and for this epidemic to be quickly contained from affecting more people.
§教會行事曆 Church Calendar §
- • 2/9 (主日) 春季會員大會 2/9 (Sun) Spring Congregational Meeting
- • 2/15 (週六) 專題講座-彈珠汽水的故事 2/15 (Sat) Sisters Fellowship and Vineyard Fellowship “The
Marble Soda Story—Exploring Family Origins” - • 2/16 (主日) 活泉團契例會 2/16 (Sun) Living Spring Fellowship Meeting
- • 2/16 (主日) 崇拜同工訓練會 2/16 (Sun) Sunday Service Coworkers Training
「你欲將活命的路指示我。佇你的面前有滿足的歡喜; 佇你的正手有永遠的快樂。」
“You make known to me the path of life; in Your presence there is fullness of
joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”(詩篇 Psalm 16:11)