11-24-2024 Sunday Bulletin

A Story of Gratitude—How Grace Changes Lives
(路加福音 Luke 17:11-19)
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 本主日是感恩節主日,禮拜後有感恩節大餐,歡迎所有兄姊留步一同享用。This Sunday is Thanksgiving Sunday, and we will have a special lunch after the service. All brothers and sisters are welcome to stay and eat together.
- 成人主日學本週暫停一次。There are no Christian Education classes today.
- 英語事工部救世軍捐贈的活動已經結束。所有捐贈物品在昨天已全送入,感謝兄姊響應此次捐贈活動。 The Salvation Army donation drive has ended. English Ministry dropped off all the donations yesterday, and thank all brothers and sisters for participating.
- 2025 年教會日曆可供領取。 每個家庭請僅選擇一長或一短款。2025 church calendar is available for pickup. Please take only one long or one short per family.
- 12月1日是待降節期的第一天,待降節是預備迎接主耶穌降生的節期,也是預備我們的心來迎接這個象徵上帝的愛,紀念救主基督為愛世人降臨世間的節期。December 1st is the first day of Advent, a time to remember God’s love and prepare our hearts for the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- 12月1日是好牧者教會設立44週年紀念日,將舉辦感恩禮拜感謝上帝過去的帶領。December 1st is our church’s 44th anniversary, and there will be a special thanksgiving service that Sunday to thank God for His guidance.
- 12月15日舉行聖禮典,有感動接受成人、幼兒洗禮、以及轉籍的兄姊,請儘速向牧師或Naomi長老報名,以便安排上課時間。We will observe baptism on December 15th. Brothers and sisters who would like to receive adult/infant baptism or change church membership, please register with the pastor or Elder Naomi so class time can be arranged.
代禱 Intercession
- 感謝上帝讓美國順利選舉出下一任新的總統,求上帝保守川普總統能將上帝的旨意擺在第一位,按著祂的心意來致力治理這個國家。We thank God that the next US president has been elected, and pray that President Trump will put God’s will first in governing our nation.
- 為新年度同工和計畫的新事工代禱,願上帝帶領教會走在祂美好計畫中。Pray for next year’s coworkers and new ministries. May God lead the church to walk in His wonderful plan.
- 求神憐憫及醫治古秀偉、王淑玲、鄧淑貞長老、藍老師,保守身體平安。Ask God for His healing and protection on Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Elder Teng, and Teacher Lan.