3-3-19 Sunday Bulletin
今日信息 / Sunday Sermon
「救恩的元帥 The King of Salvation」
蘇惠智 牧師
希伯來書 Hebrews 1:1-4
§ 消息報告 / Announcements §
- 主日禮拜後拍攝教會團體照。當我們同在一起,委身教會事工,進入新的ㄧ年。
- 2019 TPC聯合靈修會將於6/7~6/9舉行。大會主題《活出基督: 突破 更新》,講員為張景祥牧師,即日起開始報名,本會將協助交通接送,請兄姊踴躍參加。 5/5前報名有早鳥優惠,6人房大人每人$80; 7-12歲每人$55 (包括三天兩夜六餐)。 今年由好牧者教會來主辦,也請為整個籌備執行過程來代禱拖住這個事工。
- 2019年暑期台灣短宣今年將服事花蓮東昌長老教會以及阿里山茶山教會。募款
目標$8,500. 請兄姊關心奉獻, 也為課程準備、隊員訓練、當地教會招生及預備
心來代禱。 - 今年的「大齋節期」從3/6開始直到復活節的前一天4/20。期望藉著為期四十日更多更深的屬靈操練,默想耶穌受試探、受難的歷程,也激勵我們省察、警醒自己的信仰生命,重新建立與神更親密委身的關係。
- 3月24日福音主日將以「讚美的祭」為主題,敬拜讚美團隊和Ark Band 見證上帝在讚美事工上的恩典和奇妙,歡迎邀請親友一起來參加。
- 南灣長老教會將於3月16日下午兩點舉行設教30 週年感恩禮拜,邀請大家一同頌恩歡慶。
- 今年復活節禮拜(4/21) 將舉行聖禮典,準備接受成人洗禮、幼兒洗禮、轉籍或堅信禮的兄姊或家庭,請與牧師或長老聯絡。
- We are having GSTPC group photo taken today right after worship service.
- 2019 TPC joint retreat will be held 6/7~6/9. GSTPC is hosting it so please set aside your time to participate. Registration early bird special until 5/5: $80/adult and $55 child 7-12yrs (if sharing a 6-bed room)
- Fundraise for 2019 Taiwan Short Term Mission has begun. The goal is set at $8,500. This year we will be going to Hualien and Alishan serving two churches.
- Lent will be observed 3/6-4/20. Please prepares hearts for remembering Jesus’ life, death and his bodily resurrection. All are encouraged to observe 40 days of fasting, abstinence, self-examination and reflection.
- There will be a Gospel Sunday Service on 3/24 to praise our Lord with testimonies from our Praise Team and Ark Band. Please invite friends to come!
- TPC South Bay will be celebrating 30th anniversary on 3/16 at 2pm. All are invited to the celebration worship service.
- Easter sacraments— those who are ready to receive baptism, confirmation, or membership
transfer, please contact Soboksu or elders.
<肢體關懷與代禱事項 CARE & PRAYER>
● 請為好牧者今年六月主辦TPC聯合靈修會的籌備過程代禱。
GSTPC is hosting this year’s TPC retreat. Please pray for the planning and preparation.
● 請為2019好牧者暑期台灣短宣隊靈性上的預備代禱。
For 2019 Taiwan STM’s spiritual preparation and development of the team.
● 請為身體欠安、慕道的兄姐關心代禱及鼓勵。
Please pray for those who are sick, or in need, to receive God’s comfort and strength.
金句 / Key Verse
HE comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the
comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
(林前2 Corinthians 1:4)