04-04-2021 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「十字架與復活大能 The Power of the Cross and Resurrection」
路加福音 Luke 9:23-27
謝信中牧師 Rev. Joshua Hsieh
消息報告 Announcements
- 本主日 (4/4) 是復活節主日,請預備心參加TPC聯合禮拜。This Sunday (4/4) is Easter Sunday, please be prepared to participate with TPC in joint worship.
- 週五 (4/9) 晚上8:00PM有「QT查經小組」。QT Group will be meeting on Friday (4/9) at 8pm.
- 主日禮拜後11:00至11:30AM是「讀經時間」,請兄姊一起默想上帝的話。After the Sunday service, please join our Bible reading time from 11:00-11:30am to read and meditate on God’s Word together.