11-3-19 Sunday Bulletin

今日信息 / Sunday Sermon

與馬同跑 Run With the Horses

許明遠 牧師

耶利米書 Jeremiah 15:15-21

§ 消息報告 / Announcements §

  1. 禮拜後隨即將舉行秋季會員大會,會中將通過明年事工主題、預算和改選長執和查帳/提名委員,請會員留步參加。
  2. 秋季會員大會中將改選長老、執事、查帳委員和提名委員。 長老提名三位: 邱瑜嫩 (3), 莊富盛 (3), 蕭錫恩 (3)。 執事提名四位: 廖頌慈 (1), 王子銘 (2), 李郁文 (3), 蔡威傑 (3)。查帳委員: 李秀芳、王孜敏。提名委員: 陳幸生、林幼麗
  3. 118-10日柑縣和信友教會聯合舉辦一場培靈會,邀請張景祥牧師主講「活出基督、更新、突破」,免費入場,歡迎兄姊報名參加,詳情請看公佈欄。
  4. 為慶祝設教39週年,於11/30-12/1舉辦「你所讀的,你明白嗎?」聖經特會,邀請周宏毅牧師主講,深入解析新約與舊約的結構,並教導信徒簡易實用的讀經法,歡迎邀請主內兄姊參加。
  5. 全教會照的團體照,有需要照片留念的請在招待桌上登記,一家庭一張,今天最後一天登記。
  6. WATCC 奉獻給我們一書“美國國會前叩門的唐吉軻德”義賣每本$15,所得收入將奉獻給本會。


  1. After the main service today, we will have our fall congregational meeting,where we will discuss about next year’s theme, ministry, and budget, as well as the re-election for elders, deacons, and auditing/nominating committee members. Members are all invited to participate.
  2. The nominating committee has nominated the following three elders: Naomi Chiu (3), Joseph Chuang (3), and Eric Hsiao (3); four deacons: Esther Liao (1), Jeremy Wang (2), Christina Lee (3), and Wei-Jei Tsai (3); Auditors: S.F Lee and Lisa Takasugi; and nominating committee: Shin-Shen Chen and Judy Huang.
  3. On November 8-10, Christian Fellowship of Orange County and Formosan Presbyterian Church Orange County has invited Rev. John Chang to give a special seminar “Live Out Christ, Renew, and Breakthrough.” Admission is free. Please see the bulletin board for more details.
  4. To celebrate GSTPC’s 39th year anniversary, Rev. William Chou has been invited to give a special seminar on Bible studying “Do You Understand What You Are Reading?” on 11/29-12/1. Admission is free. Please see bulletin board for more details.
  5. If you would like to have a print of the church’s group picture from a few weeks ago, please register today at the reception desk, one per family.
  6. WATCC donated a book about a gentleman who helped on the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979; suggested donation is $15. All proceeds will go to the association.

<肢體關懷與代禱事項 CARE & PRAYER> 
● 請為身體欠安、慕道的兄姐關心代禱及鼓勵。
Please pray for those who are sick, or in need, to receive God’s comfort and strength.

金句 / Key Verse


“If you have raced with men on foot, and they have wearied you, how will you compete with horses? And if in a safe land you are so trusting, what will you do in the thicket of the Jordan?”

 (以賽亞書 Romans 64:8)

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