03-31-2024 Sunday Bulletin

我已經看見主了!I Have Seen the Lord!

(約翰福音 John 20:1-10, 18)

許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu

消息報告 Announcements

  1. 今早復活節主日讚美禮拜並舉行聖餐,紀念耶穌基督從死裡復活,讓我們活出喜樂與盼望。Today is Easter Sunday! We are celebrating Jesus’ resurrection from the dead so we can live with joy and hope.
  2. 禮拜後成人主日學暫停一次。No Christian Education classes today.
  3. 4月1日到24日牧師將外出,進修一週,休假兩週,請為牧師出入平安代禱,這段時間若需要教會幫助,請聯絡任何一位長老協助。Our pastor will be away from 4/1-24 for a week of training and two weeks of vacation. Please pray for his safety and rest, and if help is needed, please contact any elder.
  4. 牧師外出期間的講台安排,請代禱 April Speakers:
    • 4月7日 王子銘 Jeremy Wang
    • 4月14日 黃德利牧師 Rev. David Huang
    • 4月21日 許明遠牧師 (網路連線) Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu (online)
    • 4月28日 紀元訓牧師 Rev. James Chi
  5. 英文事工將在四月發起捐贈救世軍的活動,會列出接受和不接受捐贈的物品清單供參考,請將還算新但可捐贈的物品帶來,英文事工會收集並在四月底帶到救世軍。English Ministry is hosting a Salvation Army drive in April. The list of acceptable items will be in the lobby, so please consider donating lightly-used or lightly-worn clothes. EM will collect and bring it to Salvation Army at the end of April.
  6. 4/25-27在牧谷教會舉行的NTPC五十週年感恩禮拜及年會,求神大大興起TPC眾教會。On April 25-27, NTPC’s 50th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service and meeting will be held at Shepherd of the Valley; please pray that God will raise up the TPC churches.

代禱 Intercession

  1. 為著教會參加5/18「台灣傳統週園遊會」的福音外展事工禱告,藉由說故事、手工、唱遊接觸社區的家庭與孩童,求主開拓福音外展的機會,帶領更多人認識主。 Pray for the church’s gospel outreach ministry at the Taiwanese American Heritage Week Festival on 5/18. Through storytelling, crafts, and singing, we pray to reach out with the gospel to families and children in the community and lead more people to know the Lord.
  2. 為年底的美國總統大選禱告,求神興起行公義、好憐憫、存謙卑的心、與神同行的領袖,帶領美國走在神的道路。Pray for the US presidential election at the end of the year. Ask God to raise up leaders who do justly, love mercy, have a humble heart, and walk with God to lead our country on God’s path.
  3. 求神醫治陳玉慧、古秀偉、王淑玲、鄧淑貞長老、胡紹禎、藍老師,保守他們的身體恢復健康。Ask God to heal Sister Chen, Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Elder Teng, Brother Hu, and Teacher Lan back to bodily health. 

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