06-18-2023 Sunday Bulletin

阿爸,父 Abba, Father

(加拉太書 Galatians 4:6-7)

許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu

消息報告 Announcements

  1. 本主日是父親節,願上帝祝福所有父親,教會也準備禮物贈送,會後午餐加菜和台式锉冰,歡迎留下用餐交誼。Today is Father’s Day! May God bless all fathers, and we have prepared some gifts for them. Please join us for lunch and shaved ice after the service.
  2. 今天將慶祝並贈送畢業生禮物,今年畢業生如下 This year’s graduates:
    • 幼稚園: Grace, Evan, Deandre & Jacob
    • 初中: Joshua Teng
    • 高中: Joshua Liao
    • 大學: Stephen Liao
    • 博士班: Melody Lin
  3. 下主日教會邀請鄭宏輝牧師講道,請代禱。Pastor Cheng has been invited to preach next Sunday, please pray for him.
  4. 「讓全世界都知道」系列影集在下主日崇拜之後重新推出,請兄姐留步在大堂觀賞影片。We will continue watching “That the World May Know” after worship next Sunday. Brothers and sisters are welcome to stay and learn with us.
  5. 請兄姊踴躍參與主日服事,請在招待桌填寫下一季服事表。Brothers and sisters are invited to participate in church ministries together; the sign-up sheet for usher service is on the lobby table.
  6. 兒童夏令營 Jesus: My Savior and My Friend 從7/31 至 8/4 (週一至週五). 上午9:00到下午4:00. 活動內容:唱遊、聖經故事、手工、遊戲、美食和新朋友。歡迎5至12歲的小朋友參加。費用 $50,即日起報名。詳情請洽王信心。Our church is having a children’s summer camp with the theme “Jesus: My Savior and My Friend” from 7/31 to 8/4 (Monday to Friday), 9am to 4pm. Activities include singing, Bible stories, crafts, games, food, and new friends. Children aged 5 to 12 are welcome to participate, and the fee is $50. Please contact Elder Julia Wang for more details.
  7. 7月16日將在Fullerton Craig Regional Park 舉行野外禮拜, 中餐BBQ烤肉,歡迎邀請親友一起參加。Our field service and BBQ is on July 16th at Fullerton Craig Regional Park! Brothers and sisters are welcome to invite their relatives and friends.

代禱 Intercession

  1. 為教會增建圍籬工程代禱,求上帝為得標的廠家和施工公司都有很好的安排。Pray for our church’s fence project, that we choose the right design and construction company.
  2. 求神復興教會,長執及兄姊同心合意,委身於禱告、傳揚福音、並彼此相愛,追求「在主裡建造、在愛中興旺」的目標。Pray that our church will be revived, that the elders and brothers and sisters will be of one mind, commit themselves to prayer, spread the gospel, love each other, and pursue the goal of “building in the Lord and thriving in love.”
  3. 為教會推動社區福音事工、兒童事工禱告,求神帶領更多人進入教會。Pray for our church’s community evangelism and children’s ministry, and ask God to lead more people into the church.
  4. 為何弘吉醫師、古秀偉、王淑玲、高滿紀、鄧淑貞長老、胡紹禎、藍老師以及身體欠安的兄姊代禱。Pray for Dr. Ho, Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Brother Ku, Elder Teng, Brother Hu, Teacher Lan, and all brothers and sisters who are in poor health.

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