01-30-2022 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「 危機中求主堅固 」
尼希米記 Nehemiah 6:1-9
陳進宏牧師 Rev. Chen
消息報告 Announcements
- 各位兄姊平安,本主日1月30日,因疫情升溫omicron傳染擴散,咱南加TPC部份教會已經暫停實體禮拜,聯播主日從前前週1/16起開始,歡迎TPC各教會一同敬拜。Due to the spread of the omicron virus, many TPC churches in Southern California have temporarily stopped in-person worship services. The online joint service started from 1/16 and we invite all churches to worship together.
- 小會決議從二月開始恢復實體禮拜,同時提供主日網路直播,請為牧師及長執同工代禱。Our session has decided to resume physical services from February and will continue to stream online. Please pray for the pastor and coworkers.
- 2/6將舉行新任長執按立及同工就任,請代禱。On 2/6, the new coworkers will be officially inaugurated. Please pray for the new leaders.
- 2月13日將召開春季會員大會, 請各部門和團契將2021年度報告在2/6 前繳交給小會書記邱長老。The annual spring congregational meeting will be held on February 13th. All departments and fellowships, please submit your 2021 annual report to Elder Naomi before 2/6.
- 由於前週聖塔安納大風導致南加州災情,請各教會兄姐位災情重建及各教會家庭禱告。並且為covid疫情得控制代禱求主保護安慰。Please pray for the disaster caused by the strong winds in Santa Ana last week and for the church families affected by it. Also continue to pray for the Lord’s protection and control of covid.
- 角聲癌症協會將於2月5日 (週六) 上午10:00-中午12:00,在線上舉行「走過哀傷,迎向彩虹」講座,特別邀請張黃求邦心理輔導學博士擔任主講。鼓勵因失去摯愛仍處於傷痛或是關心此議題的弟兄姊妹報名參加。報名方式:請掃描二維碼或是撥打 (626) 286-1306. On February 5th (Saturday) from 10am to 12pm, the Southern California Herald Cancer Association will be holding an online lecture on “Walking Through Sadness, Facing the Rainbow,” with speaker Dr. Huang, Ph.D. Brothers and sisters who are still struggling by the loss of a loved one or who are concerned about this issue are encouraged to sign up. Please scan the QR code or call (626) 286-1306.
關懷 & 代禱 Caring & Intercession
- 為新的一年教會新事工和計劃的進行,牧師長執同工合一有信心來作工。Pray for our church’s new ministries and plans for the new year, that the pastor and congregation can faithfully work together.
- 本會短宣隊預計錄製五集的網上福音課程,免費提供給台灣偏鄉弱小教會支援當地兒童事工,目前開始錄製第五集,請為事工進行及錄製過程來代禱。Our church’s STM team is recording five sections for the online Bible curriculum, which will be freely distributed in Taiwan to support local children’s ministries. The fifth episode is currently being recorded; please pray for the ministry and the process.
- 為身體欠安的兄姊禱告,「因祂受的刑罰我們得平安,因祂受的鞭傷我們得醫治。」Pray for our brothers and sisters in poor health, for “upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with His wounds we are healed.”