8-11-19 Sunday Bulletin
今日信息 / Sunday Sermon
「Just do it. 做就對了」
許明遠 牧師
傳道書 Ecclesiastes 11:1-6
§ 消息報告 / Announcements §
- 平時若有事情需要聯絡、探訪或代禱,許牧師手機714-276-7519,周美玲牧師娘手機714-787-7155。
- 新一季的成人主日學將在禮拜結束休息後,一起在大堂欣賞短片 “讓全世界都知道”,透過聖地來暸解聖經。短片後分成台語組留在大堂,英文組在聖歌隊教室分享。
- 長執提名委員會今天中餐時間召開會議。請所有提名委員出席會議。 請代禱求神感動合神心意的長執同工,同心為主做工。
- 姊妹團契於8月17日(週六)早上十點在教會聚會,由陳慈美姊妹主理,歡迎兄姊參加。
- 8 月 18 日主日舉行聖餐,請兄姊準備心和主耶穌同坐席。
- TPW 婦女聯合靈修會 9 月 7 日週六在好牧者教會舉行,會中將邀請陳獻義牧師主講「地上萬族因你得福」,歡迎兄姊參加。
- 北美華人基督徒教育大會將於 9 月 14 日週六全天在洛杉磯台福教會舉行。 今年主題為“成為恢復神形象的人”,60 場精彩講座與裝備課程,鼓勵兄姐踴躍報名。詳情與線上報名網址請見佈告欄海報。
- 世界台灣人基督教會聯盟 WATCC 年會將於 9 月 26 日-28 日在好牧者教會舉行,屆時將有來自世界各地的教會代表前來與會。請特別為大會的統籌安排代禱,也為黃德利牧師負責接洽聯繫事務代禱。
- 許牧師今天下午兩點在喜信教會証道,請代禱,並繼續為郭東緖牧師的身體康復代禱。
- Contact Pastor Hsu for prayers or visitations : Pastor Hsu (714) 276-7519 Mrs. Hsu (714) 787-7155
- 3rd quarter of equipping session had started. We are watching a video series “That The World May Know” , a journey to the Holy Land for better understanding of the Bible. We will have two separated sharing classes (Taiwanese and English) after the video.
- Nominating Committee for Elders and Deacons will meet today at
lunch time. Committee members please attend the meeting. - Sister’s Fellowship will gather at church this coming Saturday 8/17,
10am. - 8/18 will be a communion Sunday. Please prepare heart to partake the
Lord’s table. - TPW will have a joint retreat at GSTPC on 9/4 (Sat.), 9am to 2:30pm.
- Access Bible Convention will be held this year on 9/14 at EFCLA. This year’s theme is “Restoring the Image of God”. Details information and online registration please see the poster on bulletin board.
- World Alliance of Taiwanese Christian Churches,WATCC will be having its annual conference at GSTPC on 9/26-9/28 this year. Please specially pray for Rev. David Huang being the key logistics contact person in US.
- Pastor Hsu will be preaching at Joy TPC this afternoon. Please
continue to pray for Pastor Thomas Kuo’s recovery.
<肢體關懷與代禱事項 CARE & PRAYER>
● 請為身體欠安、慕道的兄姐關心代禱及鼓勵。
Please pray for those who are sick, or in need, to receive God’s comfort and strength.
金句 / Key Verse
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,
making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.