2015-7-19 Sunday Bulletin
主日信息 / Sunday Sermon
『你尋見珍珠嗎? Have You Found the Pearl?』
蘇文安 牧師
馬太 Mat. 13:45-46
§ 消息報告 / Announcements §
- 感謝蘇文安牧師今日的證道,求主祝福恩福基金會的各樣事工,施恩賜福蘇牧師夫婦在健康、靈命、家庭和事奉。
- 台灣短宣隊:順利完成宣教使命,共接觸屋約120名國小學童,撒下福音種子。請繼續為短宣成果代禱,團隊既將陸續返美,請為作工得息,出入平安代禱。牧師外出服事期間請與邱瑜嫩長老聯絡。
- 第三季成人主日學將於8/2-9/6每主日10:00-10:45在大餐廳上課,由李洋誌牧師代領「在地如同在天的教會」鼓勵兄姊踴躍參加,同蒙造就。
- 好牧者設教35週年慶同樂游輪旅預計於11/6-9舉行,遊輪的費用請在六月底前將餘款每人$175繳交給林千秀長老,若一房二人以上,第三、四人餘款$75,最後取消可退款日期是8月20日。
- 請為教會異象,長執同工,團契,服事兄姊,宣教夥伴及年長肢體代禱。
- 持守真道請繼續為美國及台灣社會倫理,教會持守真理代禱。
- 請為普世關懷代禱: 地球環境危機,世界和諧穩定,福音廣傳,人心敬畏神,各國政府行公義,好憐憫,存謙卑的心與神同行。
- We thank and bless Rev Su for sharing the Word of God.
- 2015 STM have completed two weeks of mission in Taiwan. Please pray that the children who have received the message will continue to grow in truth and in spirit. And may the Lord guide our STM members back home safely.
- Your intercession is requested for church vision, church leaders, fellowship, Sunday ministery, mission partners and home-bound elderly.
- Upholding the truth please pray for social ethics of U.S. and Taiwan, and our faithful obedience to the Word of God.
- Intercession requested for global concerns: global environmental crisis, world peace and stability, spread of Godspel, fear of God in people, and for all government to do justly, and walk with God with a humble heart.
週間聚會/ Weekly Fellowship
- 星期五聚會: 8 pm 小組查經 (QT Bible Study)、少年團契 (Youth Group)
- 星期日聚會: 10 am 成人主日學、11 am 台語崇拜、英文團契、兒童 / 少年主日學
And how are they to preach unless they were sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” (羅 Rom 10:15)