2015-7-12 Sunday Bulletin
主日信息 / Sunday Sermon
『受上帝差派的宣教 Mission sent by God』
陳宗清 牧師
使徒行傳 Acts 16:6-15
§ 消息報告 / Announcements §
- 感謝陳宗清牧師今日的證道,求主祝福恩福基金會的各樣事工,施恩賜福陳牧師夫婦在健康、靈命、家庭和事奉。
- 7-9月新眼光讀經已到,鼓勵兄姊一戶拿一份,並為服事兄姊代禱扶持。
- 台灣短宣隊:本週將在桃園龜山信義牧恩堂服事,將帶領為數40名國小學童的雙語福音營,請為團隊出入平安,環境適應,教學果效代禱。牧師外出服事期間請與邱瑜嫩長老聯絡。
- 好牧者設教35週年慶同樂游輪旅預計於11/6-9舉行,遊輪的費用請在六月底前將餘款每人$175繳交給林千秀長老,若一房二人以上,第三、四人餘款$75,最後取消可退款日期是8月20日。
- 請為教會異象,長執同工,團契,服事兄姊,宣教夥伴及年長肢體代禱。
- 持守真道請繼續為美國及台灣社會倫理,教會持守真理代禱。
- 請為普世關懷代禱: 地球環境危機,世界和諧穩定,福音廣傳,人心敬畏神,各國政府行公義,好憐憫,存謙卑的心與神同行。
- We thank and bless Rev Chen for sharing the Word of God.
- Third Qtr Sunday Ministry Schedule is ready on reception table.
- 2015 STM will arrive in Yao-Yuen church on 7/11. Please pray for the safety, health, and effective ministry of our team. Members include: Lorna, Pastor Alfie, Julia, Rachael, Tina, Andrew, Kristin, Matthew & Melanie.
- Your intercession is requested for church vision, church leaders, fellowship, Sunday ministery, mission partners and home-bound elderly.
- Upholding the truth please pray for social ethics of U.S. and Taiwan, and our faithful obedience to the Word of God.
- Intercession requested for global concerns: global environmental crisis, world peace and stability, spread of Godspel, fear of God in people, and for all government to do justly, and walk with God with a humble heart.
週間聚會/ Weekly Fellowship
- 星期五聚會: 8 pm 小組查經 (QT Bible Study)、少年團契 (Youth Group)
- 星期日聚會: 10 am 成人主日學、11 am 台語崇拜、英文團契、兒童 / 少年主日學
Ascribe to the LORD O families of the people, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength! (詩 Ps 16:28)