12-29-2024 Sunday Bulletin


Would You Like to Change Your Life?

(約翰福音 John 5:1-14)

謝信生牧師 Rev. Johnson Hsieh

消息報告 Announcements

  1. 本主日謝信生牧師在本會證道,謝牧師是現任洛杉機台福基督教會的牧師,感謝他美好的信息,願上帝祝福他手上的工。We thank Rev. Johnson Hsieh for preaching at our church this Sunday. He is currently the pastor at Los Angeles’ EFC church. May God continue to bless his ministry. 
  2. 許牧師前往洛杉磯長老教會證道及主持長執同工就任。Our pastor is preaching at FPC TPC this Sunday and inaugurating their new coworkers. 
  3. 成人主日學今日暫停一次,請期待2025年新年度的課程。No Christian education classes today. Stay tuned for the new curriculum in 2025. 
  4. 2024年度的奉獻接受至1月6日截止,支票上請註明是2024年的奉獻。Tithes and offerings for 2024 will be accepted until January 6th. Please specify in the check or memo that it is for 2024. 
  5. 英語事工部在上週順利完成冬季退休會,有13位參加,請繼續為此事工和同工新的一年的計畫代禱。EM successfully had their winter retreat this past week with 13 attendees. Please continue to pray for the leaders and their ministry this upcoming year.
  6. 1月12日下午一點召開2025年度第一次長執會,請新任長執同工出席參加。Our first board meeting of 2025 will be held on January 12th (Sunday) at 1pm. New coworkers are invited to attend. 
  7. 1月19日主日將舉行新年度新任長執和同工就任,請各位同工預備心參加。We will have our new coworkers’ installation on January 19th (Sunday).

代禱 Intercession

  1. 新年度2025-2027 主題「造就門徒、世代傳承」,求上帝賜下祂的心意、異象和同心的同工一同來完成這些事工。The theme of the new year 2025-2027 is “Making Disciples and Passing on to Generations.” We ask God for His vision, heart, and coworkers to fulfill these ministries.
  2. 求神憐憫及醫治古秀偉、王淑玲、鄧淑貞長老、藍老師、陳夏蓮長老,保守身體平安。Ask God for His healing and protection on Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Elder Teng, Teacher Lan, and Elder Chen.

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