02-21-2021 Sunday Bulletin


主日信息 Sunday Sermon

「 看破手腳的表演 A See-Through Performance 」

馬太福音 Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21

許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu


消息報告 Announcements

  1. 感謝上帝,上主日順利召開2021春季和會,通過並接納2020年事工報告及結算。Praise God that our 2021 spring congregational meeting was successfully held last Sunday, and ministry reports and settlements were accepted.
  2. 本主日舉行聖餐禮拜,領受餅與杯,默想與記念主耶穌基督的救恩。Communion will be held this Sunday (2/21). Please be prepared to receive the bread and cups, meditate and remember the salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  3. 下主日 (2/28) 參加TPC聯合主日,請預備心敬拜主。We will be joining TPC’s joint service next Sunday (2/28), please be prepared to worship the Lord.
  4. 大齋節期從2月17日 (聖灰日Ash Wednesday) 開始,藉由「2021 大齋節靈修指引」,默想上帝的憐憫與恩典。 Lent started on February 17 (Ash Wednesday), and we encourage brothers and sisters to use the 2021 Lenten Devotional to reflect upon God’s mercy and grace.
  5. 主日禮拜後11:00至11:30AM有「讀經時間」,邀請兄姊一起讀聖經,默想上帝的話。After the Sunday service, there will be a Bible reading time from 11:00 to 11:30am. Brothers and sisters are invited to read the Bible together and meditate on God’s Word.


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