12-13-2020 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「上帝行了何等的大事! God Has Done Great Things!」
許明遠牧師 Pastor Hsu
路加福音 Luke 2:8-21
消息報告 Announcements
- 本主日是待降節 (Advent)第四主日,主題是「平安」,10:00AM舉行聖誕節讚美禮拜,歡迎邀請朋友親人一起慶祝主耶穌基督的誕生。This Sunday is the fourth Sunday of Advent, and the theme is “peace.” Christmas service will be at 10am this upcoming Sunday, and we welcome all friends and relatives to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ with us.
- 週五 (12/18) 早上10:00AM有「拉比分享小組」聚會,晚上8:00 PM有「QT小組」聚會。This Friday (12/18), we have Rabbi’s Sharing Group at 10:00am and QT Group at 8:00pm.
- 影音直播小組在12/18 (週五) 晚上8:00開放網路頻道,幫助大家熟習使用Zoom軟體,若有任何問題,歡迎大家上網參加。On 12/18 (Friday) at 8pm, the streaming team will be open to help familiarize participants with Zoom.
- 週六 (12/19) 早上10:00AM有「葡萄樹團契」聚會,歡迎年輕夫婦參加,有興趣者請和Joyce Liu聯絡。On Saturday (12/19), Vineyard Fellowship is gathering at 10am. Young couples are welcomed to attend. Please contact Joyce Liu if interested.
- 訂於12/23 (週三) 晚上八點,透過Zoom舉行聖誕晚會,節目精彩可期,包括敬拜讚美、EM “說” 聖誕故事,聖誕信息、聖誕組曲表演,晚會後有餘興節目Christmas game,備有小禮物,歡迎闔家一起參加。GSTPC’s Christmas program will be held 12/23 on Zoom with worship, EM narrating Christmas stories, messages, performances, and games after the party. There will be prizes, and families are welcomed to join.
- 「TPC歲末聯合禱告會」訂於12月31日(四)晚間舉行,除舊佈新,以禱告迎接新開始,原訂週三晚的禱告會暫停一次。TPC has a year end joint prayer meeting on 12/31 (Thursday) evening. We will welcome in the new year with prayer, and that week’s Wednesday prayer night will not be held.
- 同心為新選出的總統及副總統禱告,求神賜能力、智慧給新的執政掌權者,存行公義、好憐憫、存謙卑的心,與主同行的心,帶領百姓走在正道。Pray for the newly elected president and vice president; ask God to give the new authorities power and wisdom to be righteous, compassionate, humble, and to walk with the Lord when leading the people on the right path.
- 最近疫情再度爆發,請兄姊出門時注意安全距離,戴口罩、勤消毒洗手,同時為疫苗的開發代禱,求神醫治患者並保守平安。The epidemic has been on the rise again recently. Please pay attention and keep safe distance when you go out, wear masks, disinfect and wash your hands frequently, and pray for the development of vaccines, asking God to heal those affected and to keep them safe.
教會行事曆 Church Calendar
- 12/16 (WED) 08:00pm Prayer Night 禱告會 (Esther Liao 廖頌慈執事)
- 12/18 (FRI) 10:00am Rabbi Sharing Group 拉比分享小組 (Pastor Hsu 許牧師)
- 12/18 (FRI) 09:00pm QT Sharing 小組 (Judy Huang 林幼麗姊妹)
- 12/19 (SAT) 10:00am Vineyard Fellowship 葡萄樹團契 (Joyce Liu 詹明玉姊妹)
- 12/20 (SUN) 10:00am TPC Worship Service 聯合主日禮拜 (Rev. Huang 黃德利牧師)