12-10-2023 Sunday Bulletin
The Calling of the Forerunner
(馬可福音 Mark 1:1-8)
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 今日是待降節第二個主日,點燃第 二支蠟燭象徵 『預備、信心 』,我 們要隨時預備好自己,以信心等候 並確信基督的再臨。 Today is the second Sunday of Advent. Lighting the second candle symbolizes preparation and peace. We must prepare ourselves to wait with faith and be convinced of the return of Christ.
- 禮拜六中午 12點在教會舉行同 工感恩餐會吃火鍋和羊肉爐, 歡迎今年有參與服事的所有同 工與家人一同參加。 Our coworkers’ thanksgiving hot pot will be held at the church on December 16th (Sat) at 12pm. All coworkers who participated in serving the church this year are welcome to attend with their families.
- 何弘吉醫師追思禮拜訂於下主 日 12月 17日下午 1:00在教會舉行, 請兄姊留步參加,並為純美姊 及遺族代禱。 Dr. Ho’s memorial service will be held at church on December 17th (next Sunday) at 1pm. Brothers and sisters are invited to stay and attend, and please pray for Sister Corina and their family members.
- Chapel 進行拆除地毯鋪設新地 板的工程,已經完工,感謝財 產部和負責工程的進行和督導。 Our project of removing and laying new carpets in the chapel has been completed. We would like to thank our facility department and the construction workers for their hard work.
- 12月 24日是聖誕節讚美主日,是 紀念主耶穌降生的日子,歡迎 邀請親友一起參加當天的崇拜。 December 24th is Christmas Sunday, a day to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus! Relatives and friends are invited to join in the worship that day.
- 2024 教會月曆已送達, 有長型、短型,並有幾份 桌上月曆,請兄姐在招待處自 行領取,一家一份。 Brothers and sisters are invited to pick up the 2024 church calendar at the lobby table. There are long and short types, and several desktop calendars; one calendar per household.
代禱 Intercession
- 在「待降節」期間依然紀念在戰火中的以色列和 巴勒斯坦人民,願上帝減低兩方的傷亡,並將主 耶穌降生的平安恩典和喜樂賜給他們。 During the Feast of Advent, we still remember the Israeli and Palestinian people who are in the war. May God reduce the casualties on both sides and give them the peace, grace and joy of the birth of the Lord Jesus.
- 為自己在今年當中上帝的恩典獻上感謝;為上帝 在每位弟兄姊妹新的一年中生活的方向和計畫。 Give thanks for God’s grace this year; pray for God’s direction and plan for each brother’s and sister’s life in the new year.
- 為 2024年新同工的服事和新事工的計畫與進 行,一切走在上帝的旨意中。 Pray for the new coworkers and 2024 ministry events, that everything will be in God’s will.
- 為古秀偉、王淑玲、鄧淑貞長老、胡紹禎、 藍老師以及身體欠安的兄姊代禱。 Pray for Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Elder Teng, Brother Hu, Teacher Lan, and all our brothers and sisters who are in poor health.