04-18-2021 Sunday Bulletin


主日信息 Sunday Sermon

「教堂屋頂的公雞 A Rooster on Church Roof

使徒行傳 Acts 3:12-19

許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu


消息報告 Announcements

  1. 本會在5月9日恢復實體禮拜,一起慶祝母親節,欲參加實體禮拜者須戴口罩,並保持社交距離,教會網路禮拜會同步進行。To celebrate Mother’s Day (5/9), we will have in-person worship at church. Those who come must wear masks and maintain social distancing; online service will be held simultaneously – please pray for the event.
  2. 下主日(4/25) 10:00AM參加TPC聯合主日禮拜。 We will be joining TPC’s joint worship next Sunday (4/25) at 10am.
  3. 主日禮拜後11:00至11:30AM是「讀經時間」,請兄姊一起默想上帝的話。After the Sunday service, please join our Bible reading time from 11:00-11:30am to read and meditate on God’s Word together.
  4. 為陳玉慧、鄧淑貞長老、藍老師禱告,求神保守她們的身體。Pray and ask God to protect the health of Mrs. Chen, Elder Deng, and Teacher Lan.

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