12-04-2022 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「 選擇的人生 A Life of Choice 」
太 Matt. 7:13-14,申命記 Deut. 30:19
黃德利牧師 Rev. David Huang
消息報告 Announcements
- 本主日待降節第二週是「預備」,如同施洗約翰為耶穌準備道路,我們當準備心,迎接救主進入我們心中。Today is the second Sunday of Advent: “Preparation”. Just like how John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus, we should prepare our hearts to welcome the Savior into our hearts.
- 本主日是好牧者教會創會42週年,感謝教會開拓牧師黃德利牧師今日的信息,願上帝祝福黃牧師身體勇健, 靈命菁英。中餐後舉行黃牧師新書「南加州好牧者」的發表和簽名會,並將贈送每一家庭一本,歡迎兄姊參加。This Sunday is GSTPC’s 42nd anniversary! We thanks Rev. David Huang, the pioneering pastor of the church, for his message today. May God bless Rev. Huang with a healthy body and spiritual life. After lunch, there will be a presentation and signing session of Pastor Huang’s new book “The Good Shepherd of Southern California,” and a copy will be given to each family. Brothers and sisters are welcome to attend.
- 12月10日週六上午九點到下午四點在教會舉行長執同工訓練會,邀請新舊任長執和團契小組同工一同參加,晚上有感恩聚餐。 Our church’s coworker training meeting will be on December 10th (Sat) from 9am-4pm at church; new and old coworkers and fellowship leaders are invited to participate. There will also be a Thanksgiving dinner afterwards.
- 12月11日主日是聖餐和聖禮典,假如有要洗禮或轉籍可以讓牧師或長老知道。We are observing communion on December 11th, and if any would like to be baptized or have a confirmation, please let the pastor or any elder know.
- 12月25日聖誕節讚美主日,下午有報佳音,歡迎邀請兄姊一同參加,慶祝主耶穌誕生的日子。Christmas Sunday is on December 25th and there will be caroling in the afternoon! Brothers and sisters are welcomed to invite others to join us in celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus.
關懷 & 代禱 Caring & Intercession
- 為何弘吉醫師心臟手術後因12天未進食,身體相當虛弱,在禮拜四開刀插胃管來補充需要的營養,請兄姊繼續代禱。Pray for Dr. Ho – he was very weak because he has not eaten for 12 days after his heart operation; on Thursday, they gave him a stomach tube for nutrition; please continue to pray.
- 為Rick的爸爸古秀偉弟兄口腔癌的治療,之前標拔治療效果不佳,現在改用動脈導管化療,雖然在療程當中體力仍然良好,感謝主,請繼續代禱。Pray for the oral cancer treatment of Rick’s father – the previous standard treatment did not work well and now he is using arterial catheter chemotherapy. But thank the Lord that his physical strength is still good during the treatments, please continue to pray.
- 為明年新任長執和同工代禱,在新的一年愈服事愈甘甜。Pray for the new coworkers and our service next year be sweet to the Lord.