11-29-2020 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「上帝親自降臨吧 Lord, Come Quickly」
蘇惠智牧師 Pastor Ralph Su
哥林多前書 1 Corinthians 1:4-9
消息報告 Announcements
- 週本主日為「待降節第二主日」,點燃第二根紫色蠟燭代表「信心」或「準備」 ,耶穌基督的降生帶給我們光明與盼望,讓我們在待降節期,透過靈修、禱告,日日與主同行,默想主耶穌基督降生的意義,來為主發光、分享福音好消息。This Sunday is the Second Sunday of Advent, and the second purple candle represents “faith” or “preparation.” The birth of Jesus Christ brings us light and hope. Let us prepare ourselves for Advent with devotionals and prayer, walking with the Lord every day, meditating on the meaning of the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, and shining for the Lord and sharing the good news of the gospel.
- 週五 (12/4) 上午10:00AM有「拉比分享小組」,晚上8:00 PM有「QT小組」,歡迎兄姊參加。This Friday (12/4), we have Rabbi’s Sharing Group at 10:00am and QT Group at 8:00pm. Brothers and sisters are welcome to participate.
- 週六 (12/5) 晚上8:00PM舉行長執會,請長執預留時間參加。There is a board meeting this Saturday (12/4) at 8pm, please be ready to participate.
- 美國總統大選結束,求神保守移交過程順利,求神賜能力、智慧給新的執政掌權者,存行公義、好憐憫、存謙卑的心,與主同行的心,帶領百姓走在正道。At the end of this US presidential election, ask God to keep the handover transition smooth, and to give the new president the ability and wisdom to be righteous, compassionate, humble, walk with the Lord, and lead the US on the right path.
- 最近疫情再度爆發,請兄姊出門時注意安全距離,戴口罩、勤消毒洗手,同時為疫苗的開發代禱,求神醫治患者並保守平安。The epidemic has been on the rise again recently. Please pay attention and keep safe distance when you go out, wear masks, disinfect and wash your hands frequently, and pray for the development of vaccines, asking God to heal those affected and to keep them safe.
- 教會肢體代禱:鄧淑貞長老、藍敏惠老師 Prayer Intercession: Elder Deng and Teacher Lan
教會行事曆 Church Calendar
- 12/2 (WED) 08:00pm Prayer Night 禱告會 (Marco Liu 劉泳良執事)
- 12/4 (FRI) 10:00am Rabbi Sharing 拉比分享小組 (Pastor Hsu 許明遠牧師)
- 12/4 (FRI) 08:00pm QT Sharing 小組 (Judy Huang 林幼麗姐妹)
- 12/6 (SUN) 10:00am TPC Worship Service 聯合主日禮拜 (Pastor Kuo 郭東緒牧師)