12-24-2023 Sunday Bulletin

Seeing a Great Light in the Darkness
(帖撒羅尼迦前書 1 Thess. 5:16-24)
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 待降節第四主日:點燃的第四根紫色蠟燭是象徵『仁愛』,這禮拜是最接近主降生的日子,我們要以信心、盼望來等待和彼此服事,預備心迎接救主基督的來臨。Today is the fourth Advent Sunday, and the purple candle symbolizes “love.” This week is the day closest to the birth of Jesus. We must wait and serve each other with faith and hope, and prepare our hearts to receive salvation and the coming of Christ our Lord.
- 本主日是聖誕讚美主日、聖餐和洗禮,聖歌隊和主日學都有詩歌讚美節目,一起慶祝主耶穌誕生,午餐教會餐食團隊為我們準備 BBQ,歡迎留步用餐和交通。This Sunday is Christmas Sunday and we will observe communion and baptism. We thank the choir and Children’s Ministry for the music program that celebrates the birth of the Lord Jesus. We will have BBQ for lunch, and all are welcome to stay and fellowship.
- 午餐後有報佳音團隊要出發到幾位兄姊家,藉著他們的歌聲傳揚主耶穌誕生的好消息。After lunch, the caroling team will go visit and sing at the homes of several brothers and sisters.
- 下主日許牧師去洛杉磯長老教會證道及主持同工就任,本會邀請莊瑞堂牧師證道,請代禱。 Next Sunday, Rev. Hsu will be preaching and presiding at the Los Angeles Presbyterian Church. Our church has invited Rev. Chuang to preach. Please pray for them.
- 感謝上帝賜給Eric & Sylvia可愛的嬰兒Elliott Lai,求主賜福!Praise God for Eric & Sylvia’s adorable baby Elliott Lai, may God bless their new family addition!
- 1月7日是2024年的第一個主日,將舉行新任長執和同工就任,請同工預備心參加。January 7th is the first Sunday in 2024. New coworkers will be installed on that day; please participate.
代禱 Intercession
- 在「待降節」期間依然紀念在戰火中的以色列和巴勒斯坦人民,願上帝減低兩方的傷亡,並將主耶穌降生的平安恩典和喜樂賜給他們。During the Feast of Advent, we still remember the Israeli and Palestinian people who are in the war. May God reduce the casualties on both sides and give them the peace, grace, and joy of the birth of the Lord Jesus.
- 為台灣總統大選,求上帝為台灣揀選公義正直和祂心意的未來總統。Pray for Taiwan’s presidential election, that God will choose a leader who is righteous, upright, and does His will.
- 為2024年新同工的服事和新事工的計畫與進行,一切走在上帝的旨意中。Pray for the new coworkers and 2024 ministry events, that everything will be in God’s will.
- 為古秀偉、王淑玲、鄧淑貞長老、胡紹禎、藍老師以及身體欠安的兄姊代禱。Pray for Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Elder Teng, Brother Hu, Teacher Lan, and all our brothers and sisters who are in poor health.