11-22-2020 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「你今天感恩了沒? Have You Been Grateful Today?」
謝信光牧師 Pastor Hsieh
詩篇 Psalm 100:1-5
消息報告 Announcements
- 本週四 (11/26) 是感恩節,願上帝的恩典與每一位兄姊同在,祝福全家感恩節快樂。 This Thursday (11/26) is Thanksgiving. May God’s grace be with every brother and sister for a happy Thanksgiving.
- 本週三 (11/25) 晚八點舉行「感恩見證禱告會」,特別邀請兄姊分享及見證 主恩,歡迎兄姊踴躍參加。The Thanksgiving Testimony Prayer Meeting will be held this Wednesday (11/25) at 8pm. We have invited a few brothers and sisters to share and testify about the grace of the Lord. Please join us.
- 11/29 是待降節 (Advent) 第一主日, 也是教會年曆新年度開始,待降節是靈 修的節期,準備心迎接救主耶穌誕生的節期,TPC 訂於 12 月 20 主日舉行 「聖誕節讚美禮拜」,歡迎大家作伙參加。11/29 is the first Sunday of Advent and the beginning of a new year in the church calendar. Prepare to welcome the birth of the Savior Jesus in this season of spiritual celebration. TPC’s Christmas Sunday will be held on 12/20.
- 美國總統大選結束,求神保守移交過程順利,求神賜能力、智慧給新的執政 掌權者,存行公義、好憐憫、存謙卑的心,與主同行的心,帶領百姓走在正 道。The U.S. presidential election has ended. Pray that the handover transition will be smooth, and for God to give the new president the ability and wisdom to be righteous, compassionate, humble, walk with the Lord, and lead the US on the right path.
- 為 COVID-19 的疫情控制,以及疫苗的研發生產代禱,求神的憐憫及醫治保守 大家平安。Pray for the control of the COVID-19 epidemic, the development and production of vaccines, and for God’s mercy and healing in keeping everyone safe.
- 教會肢體代禱:鄧淑貞長老、藍敏惠老師 Intercede for Elder Deng and Teacher Lan
教會行事曆 Church Calendar
- 11/22 (WED) 08:00pm Prayer Night 禱告會 (Pastor Hsu 許明遠牧師)
- 11/29 (SUN) 10:00am TPC Worship Service 感恩主日禮拜 (Pastor Su 蘇惠智牧師)