10-09-2022 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「 祈禱的母親、懺悔的兒子 」
羅馬書 Romans 13:11-14
賴俊明牧師 Rev. David Lai
消息報告 Announcements
- 許牧師及牧師娘將在10月7號至9日,在加拿大多倫多新希望教會帶領靈修會,請為牧師的事奉及行程代禱。本主日邀請賴俊明牧師講道,感謝賴牧師美好的信息。Rev. Hsu and his wife will be at a conference at New Hope Church in Toronto, Canada from October 7-9, please pray for their ministry and travel. We thank Rev. David Lai for his message today.
- 10月15日星期六上午十點線上姐妹會由潘淑姃長老分享「依靠耶和華,脫離所有困難」,歡迎兄姐參加。Sisters’ Fellowship is having a meeting on October 15 (Saturday) at 10am, led by Elder Pan on the topic “Trusting God in All Circumstances.” Brothers and sisters are welcomed to join.
- 下主日禮拜後將舉行秋季會員大會,會中將審查通過明天主題和主要事工並改選明年長執,請所有會員出席。會員名單貼在公佈欄,若有任何問題請通知小會書記邱長老。Our autumn congregational meeting will be held next Sunday after service. Next year’s theme and ministries will be reviewed and approved, as well as coworkers re-election. All members are invited to attend, and the list of members are posted on the bulletin board. if there are any questions, please talk to Elder Naomi.
- 李廷樞牧師於9月30日禮拜五早上安息主懷,享年94歲,告別式將於10月22日週六上午十點於世界中華殯儀館舉行 (Universal Chung Wah Funeral Directors, 225 N Garfield Ave, Alhambra, CA 91801),請要出席告別式者在LINE關懷網群組登記,喪家懇辭奠儀及花圈花籃。Rev. Thomas Lee rested in the arms of our Lord on the morning of September 30th, at the age of 94. The memorial service will be held on October 22nd (Saturday) at 10am at Universal Chung Wah Funeral Directors (225 N Garfield Ave, Alhambra, CA 91801). Please register in our church’s LINE group if you wish to attend the service, and the bereaved family respectfully declines any white envelopes or flower wreaths.
關懷 & 代禱 Caring & Intercession
- 為李廷樞牧師告別式一切順利,求上帝安慰李牧師娘和遺族。Pray that Rev. Thomas Lee’s memorial service will go smoothly, and ask God to comfort his wife and bereaved family.
- 為 Rick的爸爸古秀偉弟兄罹患口腔癌, 後續的醫療和恢復。Pray for Rick’s father, Brother Gu, for the follow-up medical treatment and recovery from oral cancer.