10-23-2022 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「 𪜶的上帝佇叨落 Where Is Their God? 」
約珥書 Joel 2:17, 23-32
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 上主日秋季會員大會中通過2023-2024雙年度主題「在主裡建造,在愛中興旺」,主要事工和人事預算,並改選明年長執,新選出長老: 劉泳良 (三年任)、王信心 (三年任);執事: 王子銘 (一年任)。同時推選出明年兩位查帳委員: 李秀芳、賀文娟,提名委員: 高銘澄、林孝誠。Last week, our church accepted the biennial 2023-2024 theme of “Build in the Lord, Thrive in Love”, ministries and budget, and re-election of next year’s new coworkers: Julia Wang (3 years) and Marco Liu (3 years) for elders and Jeremy Wang (1 year) for deacon. The two committee representatives for next year is Alice Lyu and Wendy Lin, and for nomination committee is Michael Kuo and John Lin.
- 會員大會中牧師針對明年提出七大核心事工 Our Seven Core Ministries:
1) 致力於崇拜與讚美 Committed to Worship and Praise
2) 致力於禱告祭壇及經歷聖靈大能 Committed to the Altar of Prayer and Experience the Power of the Holy Spirit
3) 致力於認識聖經及活出真理 Committed to Knowing the Bible and Living in the Truth
4) 致力於門徒造就與訓練 Committed to Disciple Making and Training
5) 致力於本地社區及台灣宣教 Committed to Missions in the Local Community and Taiwan
6) 致力於建造團契及小組 Committed to Building Fellowship and Cell Groups
7) 致力於基督信仰的家庭傳承 Committed to the Family Legacy of Christianity未來五年 (2023-2027) 的遠程目標: 建立一間「立足美國、心繫台灣、放眼神國」,台語、英語、華語三堂聚會,150人同心敬拜的台灣人教會。In the next five years (2023-2027), we will establish a church in Southern California that is “based in the United States, with a heart for Taiwan and a vision for the world”, with three congregations in Taiwanese, English and Mandarin, and 150-people worshiping community. - 許牧師下主日在洛杉磯長老教會証道及主理會員大會,本會邀請莊瑞芳長老證道,請代禱。Our pastor will be preaching at LA TPC and presiding over their meeting next Sunday. Elder Jui-Fang Chuang has been invited to preach – please keep both speakers in prayer.
關懷 & 代禱 Caring & Intercession
- 為明年事工計畫的進行,兄姊同心按照上帝心意來完成。Pray for the smooth implementation of next year’s ministry plans, and that brothers and sisters will be able to work together to accomplish God’s will.
- 為Rick的爸爸古秀偉弟兄罹患口腔癌, 目前在作標靶,並在家休養,請繼續代禱。Continue to pray for Rick’s father, Brother Gu, who is currently recovering from oral cancer at home.
- 為身體欠安和年老無法來教會或使用網路禮拜的兄姊禱告。Pray for the brothers and sisters who are ill, unable to come to church, or unable to access the online worship.