11-10-2024 Sunday Bulletin

不在計畫中的奇蹟 Unplanned Miracle
(列王紀上 1 Kings 17:8-16)
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 禮拜後成人主日學有兩個課程,信仰要理問答 (英),主日信息回應分享 (台語,華語),歡迎兄姊參加受造就。We have two Christian Education classes after service: Catechism (English) and Sunday message sharing (Taiwanese and Chinese). All are encouraged to participate.
- 英語事工部於10月3日到11月17日將發起救世軍捐贈的活動,請到招待桌看說明有關接受捐贈的物品清單,請兄姊響應此次捐贈活動。English Ministry is hosting a donation event to the Salvation Army from October 3rd to November 17th. The list of acceptable items are on the reception table.
- 11月16日禮拜六10:00am-1:00pm邀請來自讚美之泉的專職同工Nicholas So來與我們分享敬拜的真諦和學習敬拜讚美服事中的技巧,研討會以英語/華語進行,有興趣參加的兄姊請向Tina執事報名。On November 16th (Saturday) from 10am-1pm, Nicholas So, a full-time staff member from Stream of Praise, will be sharing about the true meaning of worship and teaching how to lead praise and worship. The training will be in English and Chinese. Brothers and sisters who are interested, please sign up with Deacon Tina.
- 11月24日感恩節主日在教會有感恩禮拜,中午有感恩節大餐,歡迎邀請親朋好友一起來參加。Thanksgiving Sunday will be on November 24th, and there will be a Thanksgiving lunch. All are welcome to invite relatives and friends to join the celebration.
- 12月15日舉行聖禮典,有感動接受成人、幼兒洗禮、以及轉籍的兄姊,請儘速向牧師或Naomi長老報名,以便安排上課時間。We will observe baptism on December 15th. Brothers and sisters who would like to receive adult/infant baptism or change church membership, please register with the pastor or Elder Naomi as soon as possible so class time can be arranged.
代禱 Intercession
- 為新年度同工和計畫的新事工代禱,願上帝帶領教會走在祂美好計畫中。Pray for next year’s coworkers and new ministries. May God lead the church to walk in His wonderful plan.
- 為感恩節和聖誕節期事工的計畫和進行代禱。Pray for the planning of our Thanksgiving and Christmas ministries.
- 求神憐憫及醫治古秀偉、王淑玲、鄧淑貞長老、藍老師,保守身體平安。Ask God for His healing and protection on Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Elder Teng, and Teacher Lan.